
So Cruel
I see someone else posted about this, but … damn. I'm not a big U2 fan - it depends on the song, in a major way - but "So Cruel" off Achtung Baby is just heartbreaking. A great album with great singles, and that one just hides and bides its time.

I've always liked a few from Maybe You Should Drive - especially "Jane" and … "Am I The Only One", I think?

Fair enough.

At the risk of being lambasted by everybody
Ellen DeGeneres' Eat This record is pretty solid. I know her blandness turns many people off, but she uses the blandness to great effect on Eat This. "Are there any flight attendants here tonight? No? These bitches…"

It's funny, I was gonna post a comment about them but then scrolled down to make sure it hadn't been covered - and yours was the last one.
They're AMAZING. "Telephone" and "Mother and Son" are two of my favorite things ever.

Yeah, Saggs, I agree that "You Must Be Out Of Your Mind" is a classic. And maybe "I Don't Know What To Say" (though I'm always bummed when it fades out at the end).

Yeah! Oh Yeah!
I'm into this album, but does anyone else feel like it's pretty front-loaded? The first five or six tracks seem much better than the rest of it. But I've only listened to it a couple times so far.

Good call.

Well yeah, but it wasn't even a consistent accent. Sometimes it was like Southie, sometimes like, er, Maine. It's suuuuper hard to do, though. Also, 30 Rock kind of generalizes things like this for comic effect - so it was a kind of "New England" accent. If… that makes any sense at all. I'm going back to bed.

I'm from Boston, and yeah - not so good, except at certain moments. But I thought she was awesome anyway, and I loved the way she said "BOAHD GAMES" - I laughed at that line in every 30 Rock commercial.

At first my reaction was: "Fred Willard is everywhere! This is getting annoying!" But then yeah, he's the perfect actor for Phil's dad. Can't wait to see him more.

Oh of course. Awesome.

Wha' happened!?

Did anyone else wonder if "the New Greensleevers" was a reference to A Mighty Wind (with Fred Willard) and "the New Main Street Singers"? Or am I just too proud of myself?

Free Energy - EP
Julie Doiron - I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day
Thao and the Get Down Stay Down - Know Better Learn Faster
One For The Team - Garden EP
Throw Me The Statue - Creaturesque

Man, that is a great call. I'm at work and just cranked up the Creedence. If I could, I would bang on top of the car like The Dude. But my cube has no top.

Awesome. Thanks.

Hey Erik
If I may interrupt with a tangent - do you have noise-canceling headphones you'd recommend? Specifically for someone cheap who will use them mostly on the subway?

Did you? DID YOU??

Let's go make some memories.