
ROLE MODELS! Role Models.

Thanks, fixed.

I'm on an iPad using the App, and it generally works great. l think the only problem is that the captions won't turn off.

Yes! I mentioned "Nightime" up above there without seeing your comment.

"Nightime" by Big Star. It just sounds so cold and brittle to me, and so peaceful.

Totally agree. Such a solid step forward, and catchy as hell.

Nice list.

Agreed! I liked that he included "Hollow Man." That one's underappreciated, for sure. My list? "Shiny Happy People" ten times.

"Wish List" by Pearl Jam. I like the simple melody and the arrangement of that song so much, but man. "I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camaro's hood"? Ay yi yi.

Hey look, a 10-year-old review of Cellular! Let's talk about it!

It's not, but don't let that dissuade you.

Did anyone else get excited when seeing "Peter Segal" in the Doug Loves Movies lineup, thinking it was Wait Wait Don't Tell Me host Peter Sagal? He would be a really fun guest. Get on that, Doug.

R.E.M., the live version of "Country Feedback" on the bonus disc of their In Time compilation. (I'd link it up on YouTube, but that's blocked where I am right now.) It's Neil Young Lite, but I think Peter Buck would happily cop to that. Just gorgeous.

It's interesting how it seems to be such a different skill set for some readers. Sherman Alexie seems to be the same way.

: (   I want to know, and I don't want to know.

Man, I wish Lahiri's novels were as good as her story collections. I thought Unaccustomed Earth was excellent, but The Namesake was only OK, and this sounds just OK too. Bummer.

Thanks, all.

Yeah, I didn't get this week's episode. Just wondering if it's a common error.

Does anyone else subscribe to This American Life on iTunes? I do, and it seems like I don't receive maybe 20% of the episodes. Sure, I COULD go to iTunes and get them myself, or complain to iTunes about the problem, but what am I, some kind of person with TIME? I'M BILL BUCKNER, FOR PETE'S SAKE!

Wow, I totally disagree. He seems to know a lot about movies, and he's clearly interested in films in a range of eras and genres. Sure, there's the occasional need to summon the Corrections Department, but we all need that.