McNultys bad police

I agree, @ComradeQuestions:disqus Something must have driven him to drink for all those years. He seems reluctant to describe what that was, maybe for fear that acknowledging it will cause a backslide? He probably credits that wall to his current success, and I wouldn't blame him for it. His guarded nature may have

I loved Shirley's obvious distaste at saying "fart", in spite of her desire to support her friend.

You know what this thing needed? More thirty-second shots of Gosling and Mulligan staring longingly at each other. Jesus.

Halfway through I turned to my friend and asked if Gosling was supposed to be autistic, so I'm curious about your diagnosis.

Also, this keeps being reported as if he was asking the audience, but he was actually talking to Tom directly, in response to Tom's complaining about not ::knights templar:: being offered any film roles.

I missed a chance to see both Fugazi AND Sleater-Kinney for fucking FREE at Delores Park in San Francisco back in 2000 because I was leaving that same day for a trip. 
I had to ride past the park on my way downtown and see the stage all set up, it was awful. And so was the trip.

I don't get this ranking AT ALL. This was the best "Best Show" I've heard since I started listening six months ago. Tom's stories about high school bullying and the buffets were hilarious, and it featured the best Roy call ever. The ban is smart-I think this is finally a great episode to use as an introduction to the

For podcasts that aren't quite ready to leave the nest yet.

That bit at the end when Tom did the impression of Larry the Perv controlling Wally Wackiman to cheer up Z-Man was unbelievable. That's the reason I love this show so much-Tom's not just a man of many talents, he also seems to be a genuinely good guy.

looks like you missed "the rest" Tom
That story Scharpling told about the lone adult screaming at a group of children to SHUUUUUUT UUUUP while watching Return of the Jedi was fucking hilarious. I just started listening to The Best Show, but it's already my favorite podcast.

I listened to the first few, but couldn't keep going with it. Proops is brilliant and funny, but even he seemed to understand he was out of his element (and the crowds were pretty dead, which didn't help).
Has it improved since, is it a bit more structured?

Geddy, Trey's going to get a Grammy for the cast album for sure. That thing's amazing.
That leaves him an Oscar short, and there's no way they don't make a film based on Mormon, probably in another year or two.

waco, in a great season that was by far the funniest moment. Everyone in that scene is hilarious, but my favorite bit is that while Troy's jumping around and crying Annie almost chloroforms herself.

Pop Pop!
So Wooooo guy is totally the Magnitude of SYTYCD, right? Especially because everyone's totally thrilled every single time he says it.

The really sad part was realizing that what we saw was only a few seconds of the hell they live every day. It was truly, grossly, not-fun-at-all sad.

I'm guessing Hardwick's constant plugging of Doctor Who (which they're obviously trying to gear toward the American market this season) is the reason this deal happened.

Long stretches of the episode were just traced-over scenes with no attempt at making a joke. At that point why not just watch Return of the Jedi?

There's a lot of cringe-worthy stuff in Pulp Fiction, as great as it is. I always find the accent on Butch's cab driver to be over the top, even though I know it's supposed to be a campy scene.
"You're heeem." It's like Cartman's impression of a Mexican.

Auckerman gets to see Kulap's tits on a regular basis. He don't give a shit what you think of him.

I'll agree with that, I don't think he was angry, just trying to figure out the laid-back sarcastic vibe she was giving while trying to keep with the show's usual upbeat energy.
The only moment that seems to evidence genuine disgust from Tig is when the dog yaps and she says "Oh my God".