McNultys bad police

Well, if it did happen, and Harmon felt like burning whatever bridges he has left, it would be the greatest thing that any of us have ever read.

Well, if it did happen, and Harmon felt like burning whatever bridges he has left, it would be the greatest thing that any of us have ever read.

To @avclub-c2772fe942fe1bdcf0fec5d508dd6e23:disqus - thanks for pointing that out. I went a bit blind after reading the headline I guess.

To @avclub-c2772fe942fe1bdcf0fec5d508dd6e23:disqus - thanks for pointing that out. I went a bit blind after reading the headline I guess.

Happy Endings is good, and smart. It's just not Community. Hopefully Harmon stays on in an advisory role or something — even if that's just constant phone calls to Ganz and McKenna.

Happy Endings is good, and smart. It's just not Community. Hopefully Harmon stays on in an advisory role or something — even if that's just constant phone calls to Ganz and McKenna.

I managed to find the full quote from NBC's Bob Greenblatt and, interestingly enough, it does kid of reference your theory (though I remain cynical about how much NBC truly cares about Community's fans):

I managed to find the full quote from NBC's Bob Greenblatt and, interestingly enough, it does kid of reference your theory (though I remain cynical about how much NBC truly cares about Community's fans):

I wish that were the case, but from what I hear it's because they want to pair Whitney with a show that skews male, and they think the Community audience will stick around for Grimm, because NBC can't tell different types of nerds apart.

I wish that were the case, but from what I hear it's because they want to pair Whitney with a show that skews male, and they think the Community audience will stick around for Grimm, because NBC can't tell different types of nerds apart.

You sure it wasn't that dude from The New Radicals?

I like Dave a lot on other shows, but he bailed on EVERY improv setup that Howard gave him. I get that he was probably nervous, but he's also a comedian. Play along, dude.

Sadly, the actress who plays Daisy refuses to believe that she has earned the good ratings, as she was "just pretending".

Very true, and also one of the best parts (in a pretty small role) of O Brother Where Art Thou? He manages to make very broad roles seem realistic. Fucking shame, this.

This is all a ruse by NBC to stab Dan Harmon in the back 30 times.

It would be, except for the fact that the show specifically used staged moments to frame that tragedy to work in their format, thereby requiring people to manufacture emotions that, though probably genuinely expressed in other off-camera moments, were false in that one. This show was as fabricated as any scripted

Rest in peace, soul brother!

Eating during the interview seemed like a power move to me. I wonder if Marc was one of the guys giving him the look of death when he rolled with Eddie's crew.

The callers weren't on their game, but holy shit that was the best Wurster call in a long time.

The callers weren't on their game, but holy shit that was the best Wurster call in a long time.