McNultys bad police

Tig's always a great guest. Have you ever heard her slightly confrontational first appearance on JJGo? It's fantastic: episode 75, from before they helpfully labelled the titles with the name of the guest.

good one

I didn't see him as racist, but in trying to stray from hack stereotype bits he has created an equally hacky bit. It's not always about content, it's about delivery-and he's a boring dude.

I kept thinking how mortified Carlin, someone very conscious of every word he said on stage, would be to have his sappy love notes read all over the world. I'm sure he'd have liked his lady to make some money after he was gone, but it just made me to uncomfortable to even listen to her. It's the only WTF I've not been

street light people
It may be an obvious pick, but the use of "Don't Stop Believin'" in the Sopranos finale is incredible.

Crazy bearded Jack listens to "Gouge Away" in the season four finale of Lost. It sets a perfectly unbalanced tone for that last scene with him and Ben in the funeral parlor.

You can't really be Jordan Morris, because if you were you'd have a registered account with an avatar of Jack Osbourne.

The Auto-Recycler-O-Matic for this article just served up "Black Cock".
I'm guessing that's a band, but I'm not Googling it at work.

You're doin' the Lord's work, tossin.

Yoga Fire, that's something I'm sure they'll get to at some point. There are so many "underdogs triumphing" sports movies that they could parody. Oh shit-and maybe we can get Britta or Annie in a whipped cream bikini, Varsity Blues style?

Sometimes getting someone so laid back to do any actual work can be a real pain in the ass, though. But I'm sure working with Corgan would make any rational person want to tune out and just collect a paycheck.

This episode did for Brie what the zombie episode did for Donald Glover: prove that they can and should be bona fide movie stars.

For what it's worth, JFK had a black secret service agent assigned to guard him in 1961, so it wasn't all of that unrealistic.
And, yes, I do get all of my history from Greg Kinnear movies.

I don't see how Jeff's speech compilation was LOST related. However, Troy's nosebleed as they jumped around in time was 100% a LOST reference. And fucking awesome.

When Scott got "stuck" it was pretty funny (a worthy a…a worthy a…), but that's about it. I would rather have heard 90 minutes of Scott's "Heyy, bros" character than Adomian's Rickman.

I like Comedy Film Nerds, but for about a month around the Oscars it was just them making the exact same comment about the exact same movies.

The Great Undiscovered Project stuff isn't that great, but I love the Kirkman calls and the rambling intros.

Some of Little Gary's appearances are very funny, but when they're bad they're REALLY bad. I don't know if Lennon was pumped up by the crowd or something, but the voice was even more shrill than usual this time around. You could tell it took Foley a while to get used to being around that.

He commented on the "God" episode to address the reason that the actress playing his mother was recast. Then there was a short "fuck you" to a hater down thread that may or may not have been him.

Sure, Lost went off the rails eventually, but if you think that started with "All the Best Cowboys" then I've got nothing to say to you.