McNultys bad police

Bristol's not nice. Small town America is filled with a million little Bristols-girls who appear quiet and shy because they don't say much. Once you get them talking, they're catty, bitter, and unpleasant.
She's not quiet because she's shy, she's quiet becuse she thinks she's above it all.

A score of 69% would be a C, would it not?
I don't think Tasha was tearing this down, just calling it mopey filler, which was certainly true about Half-Blood Prince. Her comments were in line with most of the reviews I've read so far.

The buzz from this episodes is like nothing I've seen since "Modern Warfare". I really hope this is a good sign. This is by far the best show on TV.

Pandemic is redeemed by the super-awesome pan flute rendition of "Cars" playing during Craig's voice-over at the end, and the pirate guinea pig. But it definitely didn't need to be a two parter.

that guy
Good day, Mr. Kubrick…

This episode got split into two very different halves, and I really loved the Kurt half, as I tend to, because Colfer's a real talent. But I also think that the Teenage Dream number was one of the best Glee'd versions of a pop song yet, maybe because the song itself is awful but incredibly catchy, so I've not ever

Is that conversation available in podcast form?

So far, definitely "Modern Warfare", the paintball episode. But also in the first season-the Halloween episode, the Christmas episode, and the Abed showcase which Pudi references above featuring White Abed, Abed as Don Draper, and vampire Abed. Goddamn, that dude is funny.

I have a feeling that, if they let him, Todd would do nothing else with his time. That man loves him some Community.

Buzz Lightyear is a better actor than Tim Allen.


All three girls have it in their characters to turn catty, and we've seen them all do it before.
I think the problem with the pacing of this episode is just what Todd said up above, with less time for the non-joke story beats, you don't have an extra moment of Britta absorbing the insults and making that switch.

I actually though Jeong was one of the funniest parts of The Hangover, if only because I didn't think most of The Hangover was very funny. And I loved first-season Chang, but he's been pretty hit and miss this season.

The cat joke might be the funniest the show's ever done, but I've gotta say that the constant ABBA in the background really made this episode for me.
I''d have to watch it again to be sure, but this might be better than "Modern Warfare".

I doubt idiotking made it past the mere mention of Colfer as Fran N. Furter. He's passed out somewhere, mumbling in his sleep about anticiiiiiii…pation.

There you go, McNutt, giving a screencap when it ain't your turn.

Stamos' number was horrible. There's a reason he was a DRUMMER for the Beach Boys. Even auto-tune couldn't save that shit.

This episode really sucked (and I'm glad to see Todd snap and give it an F) but I thought the Britney Spears episode was far worse, if only for the unforgiveable framing device of the gas-induced visions. That was lazy and stupid.

Abed has to lose faith in his movie because he's mirroring Christ in the Garden of Gesthemane. Also, because it really is an obnoxious idea.

I don't think they make Shirley too nice. She has a SHELL of niceness with cattiness and judgement underneath, and I think they've always done a good job showing (or at least hinting at) both sides. Last night's episode just seemed like a further exploration of that.