McNultys bad police

Scott! Is that you? Because if not, you're stealing his joke.

I have a feeling that those articles are meant to drive up traffic and pay the bills, but I agree with your sentiments.
This is the best writing on the AV Club, outside of Todd's TV reviews maybe, in a ling time.

And then he climbed up a ladder to heaven.

His dad does wear a lot of flannel.

I can't watch this video at work, so I have no idea if they showed this one or not, but the VHS cover for Malone starring Burt Reynolds is pretty fucking awesome:

My father invented baseball!

AB, Giamatti deserved a fucking Oscar for Private Parts. "You have thoiled the thanctity of my marriage!"

Let this comment stand, please, it's far more entertaining than Sheldon-bot.

Fight Club is awesome until the bizarre left turn into slapstick about 2/3 of the way through. Every once in awhile I'll catch it on TV, and turn once the "His name is Robert Paulson" bit starts-not much is great about it after that except the Pixies at the end.
The Game strains credulity at the end, but is otherwise

When Brittany woke up from her dream and told Stamos she touched a snake, I thought maybe we were heading in Stephen Root/Louis CK territory. Alas, we were not.

Nate the Great was the shit
I loved those books when I was a kid, and I haven't thought of it in years. Rosamond could probably explain my love of dark-haired depressives, but I believe I discovered Janeane Garofalo around the same time.

Very poorly done. I usually dig Howard, but it was all too obvious where they were going with the hand as soon as it was introduced.
And I bet you can guess how the issue is resolved without even watching the episode. Go ahead and try.

I love that one, too, especially since DeRossi is actually cracking up and trying to hide it with a sob.

The Mr. F plotline works much better on rewatch, when you know the pay-off, but it's a long way to go for that (admittedly awesome) gag.

My personal favorite is Amigos, which was the first time I had actually made a point to sit down and watch a full episode. When I saw Ann walk out of that church all alone I knew this was my kind of show.

Adore is fucking awesome.

Palin's response?
"Suck a dick, son."

That Ziggy has gotten too preachy.

"Soylent Green is STILL People! They didn't change the recipe like they said they were going to! It's still PEEEEEEOPLLLLLLE!"

I haven't seen that website in 12 years. It's barely changed.