McNultys bad police

This man eats cockroaches for a living, a little tapir piss isn't going to bother him one bit.

I'm very glad AV's covering this now, and that Todd is doing the reviews. The pilot was a bit stilted, but ever since the show's been really, really, REALLY good. The talent show/ Will's journal episode's on my short list of best TV episodes of the year so far.

Ugh, loved Wonderfalls, but that episode was embarassing.

The only good news I can offer you, Tanaka, is that it's not a promo-it's a show that aired a few years ago and is done now.
But by never forgetting, we remain vigilant against such atrocities.

True, Wycked, but they're certainly proactive.

Even CGI has to be better han that "extreme" jagged anime style they tried a few years ago. Sweet Jesus that was sad.

Don't worry, Donna, maybe she'll disappear when you turn your head
What's with the Stacey Tookey hate, Donna?
I thought her two routines last night were the only ones that had anything going for them at all, and the Billy/Ade routine was pretty awesome.
Most of the 'story' numbers you have to try really hard to fill in

'You…'member, remember when you had that Morning Sedition show?
That was AWESOME.

I'm going to guess that the video you saw post-9/11 was Aaron Tippin's "Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagles Fly".
Tippin's got a hell of a porn-stache.

Charming, to the last.

Most people who know how horrible Liefeld is have already seen this, but for people who haven't:

I need my sarcasm, it's my security blanket, innit?

These items are surprisingly cool.
I'd love the "MISSING" Milk Carton with the picture of Walt on it, from Hurley's dream.

Don't you mean Erf?

I'd always loved the sleekly gritty feel of his 70's work, so I was shocked when he did this gawd-awful alternate cover for All-Star Superman a few years ago:
He appears (in that image at least) to have lost his instincts for anatomy and composition. Pretty sad.

Great call, CC!

Wasn't Jose referring to his partner that week, All-Star Lauren?
Because that girl…damn.

The first time I saw Lewis Black, way back on Conan in 1994 or so, he was something I'd never seen before and I loved it.
But he's pretty much always that thing, and his observations are increasingly trite and the screamed punchlines a little desperate by now.
I'm down with his politics, I just don't think he's that

Not having watched the show before this season, I don't know if the dancers always seem this genuinely close to each other, but it's all pretty sweet and adorable, especially the Ribert/Ashley and Kent/Adechike stuff.

Harlow, I have no idea what you're referring to in Season Five (please to explain?). I'm new to this show, at my fiancee's suggestion, but I'm actually really liking it.
And I'm big fan of Robert's, I think he's the most naturally gifted and technically skilled dancer now that Alex and Ashley are out.
Billy is boring as