McNultys bad police

smiling like a goon all the way, I'm sure
I seem to have the same injury-supplying superpower that Genevieve does, and on these very boards this morning I said Kent could and maybe SHOULD win this thing.
That sound you hear, America, is Kent falling down a flight of stairs.

I did a Lost finale blog post that said Vonnegut (woo hoo!) but a Toy Story 3 post that came up Dan Brown. But, to be fair, I was phoning it in on that one.
And apparently in business e-mails I write like Chuck Palahniuk.

Actually, I think Season Four was the best Ben showcase, Emerson really got to show some range there. From his stare of horror when Keamy kills Alex to his entire comedy routine with Locke in the hatch.

While we're piling on love for Ed O'Neill, can I just state that his performance in Wayne's World was spectacular?

This will surely lead to the greatest slap-fight of all time.

America just can't get enough of those wacky, dinosaur raping cat-people.

Cat Deeley completely deserved a nomination for best host. Is that list really going to be the same assholes year after year?

Actually, situations like this are why the expression "streets behind" was coined.

Terry O'Quinn took a damn-near impossible acting task and fucking nailed it every single episode he was in. Emerson was in the background for most of the season, but obviously great when called up to bat.

Eponymous is right-even sociopaths can have moments of doubt, but ultimately they will act out of their own interests in every situation.
And once anyone in Tony's life, like Tony B or Christopher (who might as well be a son to him), become an annoyance to him, he'll kill them without much hesitation at all to

Ugh. I hated the Columbus episode, I think TV's dead on with that one. I haven't seen it in many years, but I just remember it feeling very off-tone.

I think it's fair to put a spoiler alert on that one, as that's pretty much the essential revelation of the entire series. And it's interesting, at practically the end of the series, to see Melfi coming to the same realization that Tony does in Season One, that he's able to use the techniques he picks up in therapy to

Urgh-some of those Zooey quote are the kind of thing that her fanboys would completely ridicule if they were said by, say, Megan Fox.

Monsters of Megaphone is a great sketch (and I love the bizarre "keep the shange lead-in), but The Pre-Taped call-in show is the greatest Mr. Show sketch by FAR. A brilliant use of the show's live/taped format and genuinely hilarious every time.

You may be the biggest, but not the only.
Carl Barks' work with Donald and Scrooge is fucking fantastic. He's one of the most underrated comic storytellers ever.
Don Rosa's Scrooge was pretty awesome, as well. There were even some great Mickey stories back in the day.

the spear that was never thrown
I'm glad to see Seven Soldiers getting the respect it deserves (the initial trade papaerback release was pathetic).
I think the delay of the final issue led to it getting a bit overlooked in all the crossover madness that DC was mucking around with.
The only really weak point in the

Thanks to his avatar, I always picture him sending these across the Newswire while firing into the air gleefully.

Don't worry, isjoe, once the audio leaks and we get the inevitable techno remix this whole thing will die.

Spider, that's one of my favorite Pete scenes ever, because he really expects her to comfort HIM. So completely in character. Awesome.

TV Junior for the fucking win.