McNultys bad police

But first make him blow you.

Lily Allen is the thinking man's Ke$ha.

Second season AD is every bit as good as the classic shows you list. The other two seasons are uneven but awesome.

Watch out, JR!

South of da border, where da tuna fish play…

It'll be like the end of LOST: they'll all realize they've been dead all along—dead inside, that is.

If you're six episodes in, then Nixon/Kennedy awesomeness is right around the corner, featuring some great Pete vs. Don stuff.
But nothing in Season One will prepare you for the stark brilliance of "The Gypsy and the Hobo" from last season.

I used to hope that Chris Klein might some day win an Oscar and that his speech would be exactly as stilted and awkward as his "Paul 4 Pres" assembly speech in Election.

The Kid
I was at that Royals game when Griffey tied Ruth's record. We lived about two hours away from the stadium, so we didn't see the Bronco madness until we got home after the game, but I know we heard news updates on the radio.
It'll be interesting to watch this, since I don't remember how it all went down moment

different strokes
It's been several years since I've seen the episode, but I remember loving the Dentist Matthew stuff. I think it's Andy Dick's delivery of the "radio is my passion" line that does it for me.

so is she an angel or what?
So I know I'm several days late due to TIVOing, but has no one on THIS site noticed that blonde Chicago judge is a dead ringer for Katee "Starbuck" Sackhoff?
Seriously, you think you know a website…

ABC almost ruined the carefully crafted ending of the best show they've ever aired. That's streets behind.

"whatever happened, happened" would not be violated by Jughead creating the Sideways World. Jack and company still have to return to 2007 to accomplish their task. Only after he defeats the MIB and dies does Jack get to experience the world he and Juliet created.

Jacob is Yahweh.
Jack is Christ.
Hurley is Buddha.

That black bully kid pronounced "homo" weird.

From what I understand, ABC threw that shot over the credits as a moody filler image. It has nothing to do with the narrative of the show.

I'm taking Christian's comment that the sideways world was a place that Jack and his friends created as reference that Jughead's interaction with the source is what created the sideways reality. Which, in the long run, makes a bit of poetic sense, as Jack was trying to end the suffering of his friends and ends up

Yeah, Noel-I've disagreed with you final grades more often than not this season (dude, there are grades besides A-), but your write-ups were always awesome. I'm going to miss this page on Wednesday mornings.

Not the first time we've gotten a "Fountain" vibe from the show this season: remember that back in "Ab Aeterno", we found out Richard was desperately seeking a cure for his dying love named Isabella.

I assumed they were pulling out the longer opening so that all the actor's names were prominently displayed during sweeps.