Johnny the Boy

Sorry pipsqueek, but I've seen your supposed picture. I can quite confidently say that, lame mexican wrestling mask or not, I would quite easily wipe the floors with your scrawny, mini-burger eating, girly drink sipping, rump-roasting ass. And that is no shit.

Oy, that first was nothing but a desperate cry for a nod from an internet tough guy who was too afraid to show his face when given the opportunity. ZMF talks the talk but can't walk the walk. For shame Warren.

Real fucking funny mmy. You wouldn't be cracking wise if you hopped a mile in my shoe.

I'm a little suspicious after looking at those photos since I never see ZMF and Amelie Gillette in the same shot.

Oh you desperados. Why don't you come to your senses?

The video ends right before the part where they drop their pants and buttfuck each other.

Or dancing with a fucking vacuum cleaner…

You know what that baby is thinking?

Well shit chrisk, you must really like Phipps. I hope nobody else wanted to read that paper when you were done.

Ummmm, that's not a corndog sticking through the hole in the men's room.

No love for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I thought that would have greater appeal here.

Hey fatso, good news…

Can I just go on record as saying that I wouldn't kick Summer Glau, Kristin Bell, or Eliza Dushku out of bed for eating crackers.

And now for something completely different…

"waiting for the day when he can bore her again" ??????

bidet-y european is just freaked out because European vaginas look like Gene Shalit.

His face does in fact look rather dry in the picture.


Either way Airbag, at this point you should probably just let it go before you embarrass yourself further.

Getting back to the original question, I must say that at this point I think Burl has jumped the shark.