Johnny the Boy


Dude, she squeals all the time. You should spend more time at home.

So 789, what you're saying is that ZMF is an angel?

Anyone know if there's a Popeye's in Providence?

For purposes of continuity, will they be changing the name of the Mandalay Bay to the Copacabana?

Forget the sideburns. You should've seen his pubes. They ran down almost to his knees! Hairy motherfucker that Mattingly.

I am not all that familiar with the American South, but have been left with the notion that its residents will eat just about anything including other humans.

Yeah right Modell. What are the other servers called? Phel, MBS, Yummsh and TomWaits???

That wasn't funny at all.

So's your shtick.

Make sure it is pink.

24 hour chain joints attract the worst of the late night refuse. Find a all night local place instead and hang with the real people.

Well, there's one positive thing. It appears your spelling and grammar have improved dramatically in your most recent post Horsefellow. You should take a little pride in that.

Shouldn't you screen this in downtown Chicago?
You know, in "The Loop". Duh. North Clark Street is so yesterday.

They're shooting in China because the California premise is no longer believable. These days, a minority kid being picked on by a group of spoiled white Karate clowns would pop a cap in their collective asses toot sweet. End of story. No need for all that wax on wax off shit.

It's an empty life you lead Ama. Empty and pathetic. Empty and pathetic and lame. Actually, it's empty, pathetic, lame and completely devoid of all meaning. Wishing a slow burning death on you would be a blessing. Therefore my wish for you is to go on with your life.

Jeez professor, that's a bit harsh. If I was going to insult the firstie I would've said something like "swing and a miss!"
But hey, have a great weekend.

Strike One

Hey Ari, the Winona look went out in like 1995.

Dude, you don' t need a tv show to see fat people looking silly. Go to the mall, go to the beach, go to an amusement park. It's a waddling, jiggling, sweating fiesta anywhere you look. They're everywhere and they are hilarious.