
It was very unnerving to see Rikki as one of the nurses in the insane asylum they bring Angeline Jolie to in The Changeling.

Off topic I know, but what's the purpose of separating the podcasts into "the best" and "the rest" when the the best ones outnumber the rest ones three to one?  Why not just list them all alphabetically and have a little *best* icon next to the good ones?

They could always get the other Bill Ward - the one who drew the ladies with the large boobies.

Are we talking about Rape Ape ot Rapier Ape?

Four words: Tom Petty veto power!

John Rutsey takes one shit on Jann Wenner's desk 40 years ago, and they've been paying for it ever since.

Seriously AMC - all is forgiven if you let the guys who played Kale and Truxton from Rubicon host this show in character.

For the movie, the Gummi bears should fight the Jellabies to the death.

To me this whole Mike + Snooki thing screams fake producer planned drama (or something they planned themselves to get more screen time). I wouldn't be surprised if Pauly/Deena is the same thing.

It is a Bloody Caesar. Mad Men is secretly filmed in Canada, where we add clams to drinks to make them better.

Is it me?
…or is this podcast WAY TOO FUCKING LOUD?

I thought Horwitch was forced out shortly after the pilot. And then Doyle Bramhall was running it…or something.

I've never heard him speak as anyone but Darrel, but he sounded stoned out of his gourd to me.

OK, for the last time, has the PTA disbanded or not?

She freaked my shit out in Rocket Science. I think I had a nightmare about her afterwards.

Party Line
My in-laws' cottage still is on a party line AND a rotary phone - the same phone they've been renting from Bell Canada for the last 30-40 years. No phone jack - it's hard-wired to the wall. Obviously there's no one else on the party line, and hasn't been for 15 years.


You're right…they should have hired Ray Stevens

Peewit played by…
…Steve Zahn? How about David Spade?

Best development so far
The Jack Sack is back. Plus, it looks upgraded - like some sort of leathery LL Bean shit.