
Big Gay Battle?
I say Battle of the Gay Lords

I'd maybe buy the stuff with the dead crows, and possibly even the LA office seemingly working alone, if this world-wide disaster played a bigger role in these episodes - communication network shutdowns, other agencies/countries too busy dealing with death & destruction.

Well, it's nice to know that it was the dipshits at the CW that ruined the show rather than the showrunners. The universe makes slightly more sense this morning.

One of my roommates in college played the viola. He used to say that the viola players were the "wild men" of the orchestra. He cewrtainly wasn't a wild man, but he did flunk out a few months later.

When they were digging up the skeletons, I kept hearing Krmaer's Moviefone voice in my head saying "Why don't you just tell me what's buried here?"

The container with the WMDs was located between the dead hookers and Peter Petrelli.

Another AVQ&A column, another little piece of Noel's heart dies.