I wondered the same thing about "Kraven's Last Hunt." It's a pretty self-contained story, from what I remember. And it's fantastic.
I wondered the same thing about "Kraven's Last Hunt." It's a pretty self-contained story, from what I remember. And it's fantastic.
I wondered the same thing about "Kraven's Last Hunt." It's a pretty self-contained story, from what I remember. And it's fantastic.
Maybe it wasn't said because of the obviousness… The Sklar Brothers.
Maybe it wasn't said because of the obviousness… The Sklar Brothers.
We live in a world where a "Metal Men" movie is happening, but there's not even an hint of "Doom Patrol" anywhere on the horizon. Whatta buncha bullshittery.
We live in a world where a "Metal Men" movie is happening, but there's not even an hint of "Doom Patrol" anywhere on the horizon. Whatta buncha bullshittery.
Fiona Apple and Jack White are slugging it out to win my "Album of the Year" designation. Thankfully they both look to be in the same weight class.
Fiona Apple and Jack White are slugging it out to win my "Album of the Year" designation. Thankfully they both look to be in the same weight class.
And if they ever had an Oscar for Best Supporting Performance Of Ten Minutes Or Less, it's a no-brainer win.
And if they ever had an Oscar for Best Supporting Performance Of Ten Minutes Or Less, it's a no-brainer win.
I will wildly speculate that you "discovered yourself" while watching a first season episode of "Three's Company." It's the only explanation.
I will wildly speculate that you "discovered yourself" while watching a first season episode of "Three's Company." It's the only explanation.
I have yet to see the flattering picture of Danzig. I imagine it's a Glamour Shot from the late 80s, something with perhaps a smart sweater/collared shirt combo?
I have yet to see the flattering picture of Danzig. I imagine it's a Glamour Shot from the late 80s, something with perhaps a smart sweater/collared shirt combo?
"And when I DO beat your ass, it won't be as gay as when Hugh Jackman does it!"
"And when I DO beat your ass, it won't be as gay as when Hugh Jackman does it!"
Rumbly Shartington
Rumbly Shartington
I saw them on that tour as well (Poplar Creek, Chicago). I knew the words to their songs better than Astbury, it seemed. He was pretty wasted. Very disappointing.
I saw them on that tour as well (Poplar Creek, Chicago). I knew the words to their songs better than Astbury, it seemed. He was pretty wasted. Very disappointing.