And of course Shia LaBeouf as Dylan!
And of course Shia LaBeouf as Dylan!
I remain…
…optimistic. I'm throwing caution to the wind.
That song just got even more awesome. And a lot more literal.
You bet your ass I am.
As if I didn't have a big enough crush on Ms. Case, now she's a foul-mouthed rabble-rousin' bad ass. Jesus, I'd like to buy her a drink. And breakfast.
The Irony
Who could have guessed that "lady parts" would have lead to Perez Hilton's downfall.
I liked the tip of the hat to Dashiell Hammett's "Red Harvest" with the "Bulletville" title, especially since this episode seemed to be influenced by that plot a bit. The only way to make Elmore Leonard-style writing better is by adding in some Hammett.
You're a cantaloupe
The Eggplant speech in "True Romance" is remarkable due to the full desperation and despair Hopper gives that character in a short amount of time. It's a classic scene.
Kate's still alive because of the Hotness Quotient. Sun: dead. Juliet: dead. Alana: dead. Claire and her Spiderweb/basket hairdo aren't going to be able to pull it off on her own.
When rain happens on the island, it happens hard. Have we ever seen Smokey operate in the rain?
I was too distracted by the "Candyfruits" in the vending machine to notice the Apollo bar. I thought they were trying to show us the sideways 'verse had no name brands.
How is it this woman hosts multiple food shows when she's built like a #2 pencil? Stupid people and their good metabolisms.
I'll be at C2E2
When I run into you, Scott and Tasha, can we have a secret code or possibly a handshake so people think we are old pals from way back in the day? Can I slap you on the back and say "Tobias, you old so-and-so!"
It's probably something to do with WizardWorld being filled with suck. Seriously, the past few times I've gone it's been a drag.
You betcha!
I kept expecting Sarah Palin to show up in this for some reason. Maybe because she's also an insane clown who thinks scientists are full of shit. Who knows?
There was so much that was spot-on about this episode - everything Ruck-centric, the seemingly throwaway bits with the mob goons, and as usual, Olyphant as Givens - but I also really liked the dentist's girlfriend. It may have been a very stereotypical hot-and-idealistic Girl Friday role for the most part, but I…
I can't bring myself to press play on that video, but based on the still shot, I'd say she's also heavily influenced by a hypothetical Max Headroom movie directed by Herbie Hancock.
@sarCCastro: "Fire in the Hole" takes place after the Givens' books. That opening scene is a direct reference to "Pronto."
It's a direct reference to "Pronto" (I think that scene happened in "Pronto" anyway, don't quote me). There's also mention of the convict Givens transports at the beginning of "Riding the Rap." "Fire in the Hole" comes after both stories.
I'm re-reading "Fire In The Hole" in anticipation for the debut tonight. Goddamn it's great to be optimistic about a filmed version of Leonard's prose again.