
I'm assuming you don't mean your DVR is begging for that fucking awful NBC drama "Mercy."

Holy shit, I would have loved for that to be last night's resolution.

I'll back you on the "indifference to continuity" claim. You would think that as they were coming into the home stretch they would tighten that up, but it almost seemed more pronounced. After that quality episode where Sean and Christian met with a therapist, their relationship seemed the most strained it had ever

That smug look on his chin just makes me pray for a landslide.

I can't wait to see how Scorsese fits "Gimme Shelter" into the soundtrack! At least two, three times even!

An A- for Martin alone
The review didn't mention the obvious when it came to the Rocketeer write-up, so I will because I'm an obvious type of guy. Laura Martin's recoloring of Steven's art is absolutely phenomenal. I know people still get their knickers in a twist over computer coloring in comics, but Martin is so,

My God, Handlen…
What do you want, man? You're bitching that this season isn't progressing any of the plots forward AND YET! tonight we clearly saw that when Dana Starbuck took off her ear piece, her hair came out and laid over her right shoulder. Until now, we've only seen her hair laying perfectly over her left.

In all fairness, however…
…"Tru Calling" lasted a season and a half longer than it had any right to. Despite the casting of Zack Galifianakis.

Nadine, honey is that you?
Apparently Veridian Dynamics is working on a Jessica Simpson cloning project (pre-Romo, circa "The Newlyweds"), because lawyer Nadine actually made me stop and say "IS that Jessica Simpson? And if so, congrats on getting the Daisy Duke body back."

And Doc Hammer is the voice "actress" that does Mrs. Dr. Girlfriend. So while it would be hot to see Alyson Hannigan rocking the Monarch lingerie, I would not feel right with either guy's voice coming out of her mouth.

Reading my comment again, it does seem like I clip pictures of Kevin out of Life & Style Magazine and write gnome-centric Top Chef fan fiction. I'd like to strike it from the record.

I didn't think of it that way. I'll have to go back and look at what order they were standing.

If I may take this back to Hoslaeka's original post, "fetishizing" is, in fact, a real word. "Prolly" isn't. Oh, the fucking irony.

You know what would be bad ass?
Ricky Jay as the Continental Op in a filmed version of "Red Harvest." I don't know why, but I want to see that. Now.

Seems like The Norse God of Relaxing Weekends and myself could hang out sometime - his QotSA playlists is McGone-approved! And he's given a shout out to Alain Johannes.

For a while the songs that were leaked and teased made me think Alain Johnnes was all over the record, but it looks like he's in a limited capacity. Still, he's got what it takes to hang with these three.

Phantom of the Opera on keyboards, my shiny white ass. JPJ has got it more than covered, son. And listen to the kick ass he delivers via clavinet on "Scumbag Blues." Hot damn!

I can respect the shorthand - hell, I've been letting the "tires squeal on gravel roads to signify that the chase is on!" idiocy transpire for years with nary a word - but if this is the key to them breaking the case, it's beyond lazy.

Jedi Murray Tricks
While I was reading this review's description of the opening scene, the flash ad to the right was playing the trailer and a snippet of that VERY SAME SCENE! I always KNEW Noel Murray had superpowers! He did that shit with his mind!

Whoa, whoa, whoa…. what's the rumpus?