
2046 pays off with repeated viewings. I just had to write a paper on it. Sure, it's not as tight as "Mood," but I actually prefer it for its ambition. It takes all the glorious memory-recall tropes that made "Mood" so wonderful, and applies them to the act of creation.

These Jerry & Kramer comments are clearly coming from the same person, but fucking hell, I'm pleased with whoever is taking their valuable time to make these threads even more awesome.

The Big Bang Theory
There are never, ever that many people at once in the comic book shop I frequent.

Nevermind, it's confirmed. What a fucking shame. Way to go Vertigo.

Young Liars got cancelled??? Can I get a link? This is fucking sad. The one series in my file that I actually give a fuck about. Great…

Pilgrim, I couldn't have summarized one's reading experience of Gravity's Rainbow better. I trudged through it in 28 days last month feeling like I'd not been reading fast enough. Since then, I've picked it up obsessively to revisit a whole slew of chapters.

If it's YA that needs recommending, Feed by M.T. Anderson ought to be at the top of the list.

Post the Recaps as they Air on DTV
See subject. If anything, it will encourage people to get computer literate (i.e. torrent that shit, you babies) and then we can revisit them when the NBC run occurs (so we can boost its ratings or something) and look back at how you graded the episodes too hard.

This is the same company's new derivation of Listen Up, so you're really behind on this one.

This Ridiculous Item
This piece of shit has been out forever. What gives? Do you not watch informercials religiously like me?

What's not unfortunate is Tomine's cover art design.

This is WIN. I love this show. I couldn't be happier right now.

Hardness of things.
You were too hard on these episodes.

HULK HORNY! I love you Not Gary Higgins.

HULK HORNY! I love you Not Gary Higgins.

The Sun
That picture of the sun is pretty pathetic.

Read Summer Blonde (by Tomine). It's better—in every way—than Sleepwalk. Also, read The Dark Knight Returns. It's better than Year One (comparing the two since they're both Miller) and just as perverse as, say, Arkham Asylum, which you liked.

I gave it twenty-four hours and waited for the person who said they were going to claim it to claim it. They didn't and now ghoul McCain is pumping out these sentences.

So… Comics…
Any of you guys planning on reading The Red Monkey Double Happiness Book by Joe Daly? I don't think it comes out until June, but I have three panels of it over my toilet and each time I take a piss, I get more excited about reading it.

Let this be true. Let this be true.