Plain hamburgers from McDonald's are good. Not quite nothing, but just a bun and a patty, like in a kid's Happy Meal. They're really good, the meat has a sort of peppery taste…
Plain hamburgers from McDonald's are good. Not quite nothing, but just a bun and a patty, like in a kid's Happy Meal. They're really good, the meat has a sort of peppery taste…
Jon Secada - Just Another Day
Guess Who - Proper Stranger
Janis Ian - At Seventeen
Rodney Dangerfield - Rappin’ Rodney
Weird Al - Weird Al Show Theme
John Lennon - Look at Me
I registered just so I could comment on the TNG reviews, with a TNG-appropriate username!
Quick, upvote this post 2000 times so I can make it to 100,000!
That one SNL sketch
That was so unexpected. Probably the most hilarious thing I've seen on the Simpsons in 15 years.
I was going to say Cherub Rock…but Quiet, yeah, you're right.
You know, I'd never been on a real airplane before. And I gotta tell ya, it was really great, except that I had to sit between two large Albanian women with excruciatingly severe body odor, and the little kid in back of me kept throwing up the whole time. The flight attendants ran out of Dr. Pepper and salted peanuts,…
It's not just that. She's also got red hair.
We need to speak a language that has no passive voice, like, uh…I dunno, Piraha probably.
Just like the Trump White House amirite
This girl I had a thing for in university married a guy named Alex Jones. She also shares a name with someone who writes for Infowars!
Only the non-white ones.
Yo, Ding-Dong. Ding-Dong, man. Ding-Dong, yo.
One time I downloaded Hunger Strike on Napster but it was just a repeating 30-second clip. I didn't notice for months.
My lawn, get off it.
Someday, long after humans have gone extinct and there is no one left to remember, even the Sun will expand and obliterate the Earth and any trace that there was any life here at all.
I went to high school with a guy with the same first and last name as me. My birthday is in the summer but his was during the school year. Whenever they listed his birthday over the morning announcements, people always thought it was my birthday, and they couldn't believe there was another person!