
Jedorast, the particular character of Lafayette has depth and complexity, but also some very prominent cartoonish aspects.

It is easy to like the cartoonish aspects of Lafayette. It is harder to like a more challenging character, particularly when you are bringing other things to bear.

A multiple regression model has been constructed to explain people who don't like True Blood, tested with ordinary least squares.

Holy shit, what a moronic reading of this show. I'm sorry it is too sad for you, Phil :(.

It would be cool if there was even one mainstream movie about a woman deciding to have an abortion without stressing about it too much, having the procedure done by a competent physician in a safe clinic with little drama and then not really spending much time afterwards thinking about the decision or procedure and

As someone who has actually been quite enjoying the show, I have to admit that I'm getting more and more anxious to figure out a mystery among the NON-63s, to wit: how old exactly is Hauser? And the kidnap victim in the second episode, too? If the show is set in 2012, she'd have to be nearly 70 in the present day

Yes, that is literally all I'm saying. Not referring to a specific bit of gross phrasing and characterisation in the article that I quoted and discussed.

Even if she did (and his assumptions about whatever her previous experiences with boys constitute is totally obscured by Herbert's unreliability), she is a 12 year old child who is being raped. Attributing sexual agency to her in that manner is really gross.

One of my biggest pet peeves: "a sordid sexual affair between pedophile intellectual Humbert Humbert and a sexually precocious 12-year-old named Dolores Haze"

I'm not saying that you have to watch it, or even should, but holy fuck is unrelenting pride in one's own ignorance a disgusting personal trait.

Dave isn't a robot, he's someone who tries to relay all of his external and internal experiences through the only outlet he has, police reports. Since the vernacular of police reports is so limited, particularly in depicting emotions, he struggles to find analogues.

"While I was half-hoping that Soto would question her right to wear such a
shirt and demand that she either identify Sandman's secret identify or
take it off immediately"

Not particularly, I find his dry hatred less pointed than Hill's more seductive approach. There are bits of Observe and Report that are extremely funny and engaging but all in the service of malice.

I love Observe And Report for its sheer contempt for its audience. You folks like glorifying man-children with rage issues and gross ideas about women? OK, here is a psychotic rapist baby-fascist all clowning around for you! Laugh at him! Cheer as he destroys his own happiness and then gets rewarded for it!

(reply to Frodo Baggins, but I'm not getting the ol reply button on your post)

Um, I hate to break it to you, but not a single thing in the movie actually happened. It is a fictional movie. Viewing it through a different type of suspension of disbelief doesn't ruin the movie, particularly when you've already seen it a million times like many folks have.

Don't forget the incessant sexism, up to and including creeping on kids, which is completely defended by the mods.

The controversy is the sad belief that people on Reddit deserve to be treated with even the mildest respect. 

As a proponent of the "its all in Cameron's head" hypothesis, I'm pretty sure that this just means that Alan Ruck's character grew up to become a jaded, inspiration-less ad exec after he finished high school.

Well, frankly, I feel that I have been so clear in that regard that any lack of understanding you may hold at this point reflects rather more poorly on you than on me. To wit: are you simple?