
Well, metaphorically, my cornflakes are my expectation that an avclub review will contain even a slight hint of insight into the main theme of what is being reviewed, particularly when it is as pregnant (pun intended, if I'm being honest) as the intersection of motherhood and Christmas as was present in this episode

That the person who wrote this piece should shove half a brick in their mouth and dive face first into an empty pool off the 12 meter platform? That doesn't seem to really be in the spiritof the season, tosay something like that!

The reviewer complete failure to recognise the central theme of the episode - the burdens and power of motherhood - is incompetent to the point of malfeasance. Seriously, are you some kind of moron? It wasn't like it was buried in subtext, they stated it directly at the end for the kids.

Pickles the Drummer's hair inspiration.

Only if you are put off my mutual respect. That is seriously the only reason I can possibly think of that you would think they don't have incredible, heart breaking chemistry - that you have an image of romance that precludes two people really liking each other as individuals as much as they want to be with each other

It actually would be nice if the reviewer mentioned the fact that the name is a gross racial slur and that Romani are still suffering horrific abuses in several places in Europe, including forced sexual sterilisation, forced removal and segregation. 

Dorkiest thing (in a recap of a Batman cartoon): Ted McGinley's rep as the shark-jumper extraordinaire comes from his late-to-the-series roles in Happy Days, Love Boat and Dynasty. He was on Married… With Children for 6 years and that is his most famous role now, but he didn't show up at a notable downturn in that

Umm, there is at least some indication that it isn't fake.

Hahah, the lady who was sexually assaulted from a young age, married at twenty to a domestic abuser totally has rich people Charlie Sheen problems!

Black Turtleneck and Weird Cultural Imperialism
Basically, Worf gets to go to an isolated minority community and foist upon them his weird, noble-savage based cultural identity, blunted as it has been by the Federation's stifling monoculture, then having the temerity to claim that it is the ONLY valid version of