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    Bill Hicks's Rant In e-minor is a great one too.  Most of it is taken from shows he did when he knew he was going to die.  What's really cool about it is that there is very little on it that you can listen to where you can tell what's going on.  He just wanted to make comedy.

    Bill Hicks's Rant In e-minor is a great one too.  Most of it is taken from shows he did when he knew he was going to die.  What's really cool about it is that there is very little on it that you can listen to where you can tell what's going on.  He just wanted to make comedy.

    Is this the first time Jax has written a letter/journal?  That part where he was doing the voice-over is what stood out for me.  The show is now halfway through the 5th season, so it's closer to the end than the beginning.  I'm wondering if this may be the start of a long final arc for Jax where he follows in his

    Is this the first time Jax has written a letter/journal?  That part where he was doing the voice-over is what stood out for me.  The show is now halfway through the 5th season, so it's closer to the end than the beginning.  I'm wondering if this may be the start of a long final arc for Jax where he follows in his

    If I had read Cat's Cradle 15 years earlier I would have surely become a Bokononist.

    If I had read Cat's Cradle 15 years earlier I would have surely become a Bokononist.

    I dig Carolla.  But he's kinda a tough comedian to jump right into, you have to kind of cultivate a taste.  He's no Louie CK or Patton Oswalt where you can easily take a stand alone quote and get laughs.

    I dig Carolla.  But he's kinda a tough comedian to jump right into, you have to kind of cultivate a taste.  He's no Louie CK or Patton Oswalt where you can easily take a stand alone quote and get laughs.

    I'm enjoying re-watching the series (again) with you guys.  Please keep the reviews coming.

    There are reasonable arguments for and against piracy in a moral sense, but I don't think that's really relevant.  People are going to pirate media, period.  What a lot of setups have shown is that most people are perfectly willing to pay for media, or watch commercials as long as the price is reasonable, there aren't

    I was surprised that there was an actual "Amos."  I figured it was some marketing rhyme thing.

    Maybe it's East Coast thing.  I'm in South Carolina and see them everywhere.

    The way the camera followed Mr. Met walking by at the end, I thought for sure there was going to be some kind of reveal, like it was Kenneth under the mask or something.

    I actually did the "who's on first" routine with my little brother when he was around 10 or 11 (he's 16 now).  He didn't know we were playing though, so he was very confused by it.  But it ended when we did another lap of me asking him "who's on first" and answered "Ida Know" and when I responded with "he's on third"

    She's not fat, she's just TV fat.  Her choice in clothes didn't help.

    Yeah.  It felt like Marc was doing an interview with characters and not with real people.  It seemed like a long-form (and boring) version of some of the bits he used to do way back in the first 20 episodes or so of the podcast.

    I thought they were doing schtick and got bored and didn't finish the podcast.

    I think I saw Dr. Beardface (that's Fah-SAY, dammit!) in the background in Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

    The Kelso/Cox dynamic in earlier seasons always reminded me of the Sheepdog/Wolf dynamic in the Warner Bros cartoons, where they come to work, clock in, go to war, clock out, and move on.  I like how they respected or at least appreciated each other's roles, but still pulled no punches (mostly) with each other.