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    Not a Fear Factor fan at all, but I really dig Joe Rogan.  HIs standup is really good.  It's funny, and it has a real point of view.  Also, I will alway have a place for him in my heart after he took on Mencia.

    I gotta give a shout out to John C McGinley.  He really acted the hell out of that show.


    I would say that material is racial, but not racist.  It doesn't bother me at all, but I am a white dude, I might feel very differently if I has more pigment.  The reason I feel comfortable with what he's doing is that he doesn't really change when he has guests like DAG on.  Though, maybe that doesn't mean he's not


    Why does Adam Carolla's podcast get reviewed here?  It seems like none of the reviewers like it at all.  His stuff is not really controversial, but it is divisive.  People tend to have a strong opinion of the man, both positive and negative.  I really love the podcast, but can understand why someone would hate it.  If

    It was hard to tell. but it looked like the star arrangements on Dwight's American flag weren't the current one, which would imply that the Schrutes do not recognize all of the states.

    I always liked how Build To Spill's "You Were Wrong" was lyrically set up.