
I know Donald is a big star and everything, but it’d be nice to hear some updates on Yvette Nicole Brown’s involvement too. I don’t know if you’re ignoring her because you’re racist or because she intimidates you sexually, but I know it’s one of those two.

I would like Paget Brewster to appear as both Frankie Dart and the IT Lady and they both meet followed by a hole being torn in reality a la In the Mouth of Madness.

The way they resolved the evil alternate universe at the end of Season 4 truly was the low point of the show. I agree with this site’s rating of (if I’m remembering it correctly) the worst episode of the show.

Personally I would like Paget Brewster and Keith David to be included 

Harmon: “I’m the creator of Rick and Morty, friends with the best director of Fast and the Furious franchise, and can get Childish Gambino to all participate in the same film.”
Netflix: *throws an axe at a picture of Mickey Mouse hung on the wall*
“Throw in those Russo Brothers and you got yourself a goddamn deal.”

If I remember correctly (I truly can’t believe how long ago it was), it was then rescheduled opposite The Big Bang Theory, wasn’t it? I had been watching them both (I think Big Bang was much better, or at least more enjoyable, the first couple seasons), and when the move was announced I was torn between which I would

Well, I’m hardly the best at reading people. Usually, I can’t do it at all unless I have a lot of data points to work with. But in this case, I do have some help with the cast-and-crew episode commentaries for Community that I have on DVD. And their evaluation of Glover was pretty consistent: he’s a generational

That was amazing. Thank you Community for this. I haven’t done a rewatch in a while (I’m currently watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the first time), but may have to start another one soon. It made me so happy.

Deleted from my Stray Observations (by the way, most of my deleted stuff for this episode will become a piece about this show and class relations ):

‘’All my boyfriends have died horribly too’’ - Liv Moore

So much happened this episode so there was plenty you didn’t mention. 1st thing was the wheels turning on Blaine and Don E’s faces when they saw Ravi having zombie problems and yet not be a zombie.

Something unrelated to the episode I just realized: whatever happened to Mr. Boss? We saw him near the end of last season learning the truth about Blaine and being forced to work for him, yet he’s been absent this season thus far.

Rose McIver playing an American faking a (real-life) New Zealand accent and then faking a fake American accent was the most delightfully, recursively meta moment since Larry David as “Larry David” imitated Jason Alexander as George Costanza (who was based on Larry David).

U-FREIGHT-EZE MADE ITS TRIUMPHANT RETURN (and with a logo this time, to boot!). BLESS UP, Y’ALL.

Major on Pro Wrestler brain was hilarious! Ravi as the sophisticated Englishman and loose lipped Blaine was hilarious. And as ways Rose McIver always surprises me with her versatility. The whole cast is great.

So that one zombie henchman isn’t dead after Angus cracked him on the head with a sledgehammer?

This week in Ravi is the Best

Does every newly minted zombie just go nuts on the fake tanning? Everyone looks way too normal there. Considering that it’s a huge chunk of the population now, do they really need to hide it? And it’s still only Liv (and Blaine) who’s not doing it? It’s weird. Other than, I get it, they didn’t want to make a ton of

I was in Seattle 17 years and I still live in the Puget Sound region. I’m no civil engineer, but Seattle would be nigh impossible to wall off, I’d think, thanks to Puget Sound and all of its connected/abutting waterways.

I am not always a fan of Major’s storylines, but him having to mentor troubled young zombies seems like an ideal use of his character, that sadly is fairly sure to end in heartbreak, because Major