
You would have to think they will bring her back on Riverdale. She was really good, and it is not like anything ever gets resolved that easily there.

Well, it turns out that Superman has also gotten his head transformed into a lion’s head, and has had a miniature version of himself appear who has rainbow-shooting powers, while Lois Lane has used super-science to turn herself black in order to do research for a story. Reign decided to stay the hell away from that

I loved that she was sort of talking to the cat as much as she was to Brainiac.

Her body language when she sat on the couch, legs “man spread,” was just the funniest. I can’t even...

The whole episode was solid, but it was all worth it just for Benoist playing J’Onn-as-Kara. My favorite moment might just be her body language when trying to sit naturally on the couch.

That cat story was amazing. The sort of thing that would be cloying if done wrong, but Benoist plays it so well. And KITTY.

I was offended by Chad Lowe’s lack of devotion to Supergirl, his supposed goddess. Some cult leader he turned out to be.

The “strong together” thing was really great and I’m excited to see what the show does with it going forward!

I was so happy for Alex when Kara woke up! The Danvers sisters are so great together. It reminds me of something Caity Lotz said about Katie Cassidy, that they played sisters for so long, that they became sisters in real life. Pretty sure that is true for them too.

Graham Phillips a.k.a. Nick St Clair’s presence reminded me of another total slimeball dad— Peter Florrick who was his dad on The Good Wife. He was a sleazebag but he was ruthless when it came to his family.

Skeet Ulrich is so underrated.

“...a coward when it comes to betty/jughead fans”. FTFY.

ugh, why they can’t keep betty away from jughead for at least one episode? What do I have to do???

This show is often beautiful the campier it gets. Every line of dialogue FP says during the visit to jail was fantastic.

“You’re still working with my friend’s would-be rapist’s family?”

I love how the show implied jughead and toni slept together then reversed course. It’s like they wanted to make bughead fans’ heads explode...

Have to say that was a slightly weird way for the writers to quickly back out of a Toni-Jughead relationship, if she’s bisexual and more into girls, and also doesn’t want to be a rebound, why go for the kiss in the first place? Seems like some convienent backpedaling.

Conversely, if access to the prison was a dead giveaway, Keller presumably wouldn’t kill him there.

The last shot at the prison certainly suggested the Black Hood didn’t let the Sugarman being incarcerated foil him & that he pulled that off so quickly does suggest it could have been his plan all along—to get Betty to reveal the guy’s identity and turn him in, where the Hood could then take him out.

Cheryl casually calling Toni “Cha Cha” was everything I never knew I needed in my life.