
I’m glad it doesn’t bother you. It does me, but my occupation as a copyeditor probably has a great deal to do with it. I found multiple instances in this article that seemed ‘off’:

Ha, another mistake only an Indian writer from India would make. This author’s writing is awful, but the AV Club’s refusal to proofread her work is unforgivable.

Don’t bother. I’ve read other articles by this author. She’s an Indian from India like me, and her writing style is obviously Indian (filled with malapropisms and awkward syntax) with just enough of a US English patina to hopefully avoid weirding out American readers to much. It clearly doesn’t work. I couldn’t get

‘Prodigious’ is almost certainly what she meant. The author’s an Indian from India, like me, and our imperfect English education often causes us to use words we vaguely remember from books, without bothering to look them up in a dictionary first. The aim is to come across as smart and well-read, but more often than

I’m actually more disappointed that they didn’t do more with the underground fungal network. That was a brilliant addition and a way to show how the cordyceps was always at people’s heels. Maybe we’ll see it in action in the finale, but I doubt it. I hope they build on it in season 2. I also want to see more of how

Meh, if they had one scary fungal encounter per ep, people would start complaining about how contrived that is. They just can’t please everyone. Besides, they showed us the army of infected outside Boston and under KC. I really don't need to see infected every ep to remind me they're a threat.

We’ve learnt by now that the infected aren’t aggressive until they feel threatened. They attack to defend themselves. If the victim remains calm, they simply walk up to them and push their tendrils into the victim’s mouth to start the infection. In the episode, the infected were ‘woken’ by, first, an explosion. Then,

I wouldn’t expect any better from someone who recaps plot points with zero insightful commentary and then calls it a day. The only reason I keep coming back here week after week is the amazing community in the comments section.

My loathing for this reviewer continues to increase. Stop putting spoilers in your recaps! Not everyone has played the game and knows what happened to Ellie’s friend.

And you’ve been flagged for profanity. C’est la vie!

You may be the worst ‘reviewer’ I’ve ever come across. All this article was, was a recap with almost zero analysis. Find a new job because you’re clearly terrible at this one.

OK, turns out I can’t edit my own post for some dumb reason, so I’m just going to type this here.

So sorry about that :( It didn’t even occur to me that someone might be reading from the bottom up. Fixing it now.


I think he’s alive. Didn’t he appear in ‘Brainless in Seattle’?

No worries. I’ve moved between the city and country all my life, so I’ve had the opportunity to encounter plenty of wells. One my favourite things to do as a child when visiting friends and relatives in the country was to peer into their wells to see how deep they went. I have a vivid memory of visiting one relative’s

How did Blaine not know his dad had escaped the well? Is it really that dark down there?

I interpreted that as Major taking a cue from Liv and leaning into the weirdness of his brain. The difference, obviously, is that Liv does it to solve cases, whereas Major was doing it either for shits and giggles or, more likely, to get some relief from how stressful his work life has been recently.

I agree. The plan was ridiculous, especially since there must have been a million ways to make a murder look accidental on such a large estate. Didn’t any of these people ever play a game of Clue? I think the writers just filled a fish bowl with wacky murder scenarios written on chits and just went with the first one

My understanding was she planned the murder with the gardener and driver, and it was one of the latter two who fired the actual shot. Liv’s flashback showed the gardener destroying a target with the gun, if I recall correctly. As for why they decided to killed her instead of stealing the money, I think they were sick