
Holy shit, she’s Livewire! Did NOT recognise her without the pasty makeup. She looked like a completely different person here.

I just want to point out that we don’t know for sure that Moose and Midge are dead. We just know that they got shot. Multiple times from extremely close range, but then again, people have survived much worse.

I could not focus at all on the dialogue in the locker room scene. Jesus Christ.

This review was an endless litany of complaints. It’s only the second episode, and already you’re talking about a sophomore slump? Come on. They’re still laying the pieces. Considering that they have a 22-episode season order, I’m not surprised that they’re taking their time. I trust this show, and I think a little

Yeah, I see your point. I think Riverdale is capable of handling episodes that are gimmicky while still being connected to the main story, and so that’s something I’ll look forward to. But I also wouldn’t mind seeing true gimmick episodes - not only because I think the show can handle it but also because the show can

Well, the CW has done a pretty good job with gimmick episodes so far. The superhero crossover episodes, the musical episodes - those were all pretty decent IMO. So I think they can handle it. Besides, it’s not like these gimmick episodes will take place in a vacuum on Riverdale. There’s 70+ years of material to draw

Couldn’t agree more. In fact, having rewatched the series in a single binge-watching session before the premiere, it became even more clear to me than before that Riverdale morphed and became an entirely different show in the second half of the season. It was a show about high school life in a small town in the first

Full disclosure: At the sight of Grundy’s car, I immediately let out (and wrote in my notes), a “GODDAMMIT.”

In the comics, Superman generates an anti-gravity field around him that he can manipulate to expand or contract at will. That’s what allows him to lift entire buildings, ships, etc., without snapping them in half. The show hasn’t explicitly stated whether Supergirl has this ability (at least not to my knowledge), but

This season started off on a pretty solid note, but I think the quality declined as it wore on. One of the issues the show has never addressed is that although there are multiple universes, this doesn’t mean that nothing matters, because one’s actions in a universe still have ramifications for the people of THAT

I'm quite certain he entered the singularity. The last show of the finale, which shows him running around inside the singularity while the camera look down on Central City, confirms it. But it's fine if you don't think so. Let's just agree to disagree. I sincerely hope the new season is good, and I hope you like it :)

Before the news broke that the show had been renewed for another season, I was sure it was going to end this year, with the cure being found and Liv and everyone else who's been infected becoming human. Next season definitely looks like endgame territory now that the whole world knows about zombies. I'm kinda torn. On

Semantics. So he wasn't trying to sacrifice himself. But you said it yourself: he had no way of knowing if he could collapse the singularity, but he was risking his life by doing it anyway with the full knowledge that he might die in the process.

I wonder whether the reason the show chose to focus on Selina's exile from Washington this season was that, at the time of its writing in early to mid-2016, the expectation was still that Hilary Clinton was going to be President. Maybe the writers wanted to wait a while to see how Clinton would do in her first term in

I think it's nothing but a giant red herring. Aleutian = illusion.

He was always the worst. He was so determined to kill Don E. that he was ready to kill Ravi if he got in his way as well. Nothing, not Ravi's heart-rending pleas to spare Don E's life, his assertion that zombies are still human and can feel pain, or his conviction that zombie-ism can be cured moved Harley in the

There was also the fact that they grossed us out with the Ravi visions beforehand so that we'd be tricked into thinking that the brain was only going to be used for humour. Then when the barman revealed that Kupps went home with a new person every night, the missing pieces clicked very satisfyingly into place.

Agreed, the whole scene was great. That was real anger in Kohli's voice when he said the 'whosie whatsit' line.

Fair enough. I still think that David Mandel and his writers have certain ideas about what a late-night host should be like, and Adam Scott's characterisation and the fact that the show went with a Letterman type rather than a Fallon type despite using the Tonight Show instead of the Late Show (or just a fake talk

I guessed it based on the extremely blunt way Selina dismissed the show in the episode: "Nothing is fun on that show." It was as though the writers didn't want to waste more words on it than was necessary. The show also poked fun at the fact that the Tonight Show's staff is filled with young people and obsessively