
Carson: They made a woman the President! Can you believe that, Ed? Isn't that some weird, wild stuff?

Poor Jonah :( Because he's got such a ridiculously large ego, I don't often feel sorry for him even though he's an idiot who constantly gets mixed up in things that are bigger than him and then scrambles to find a footing or ends up drowning altogether; however, he seemed to really be in love with Shawnee. I hope

I think that was the point of the casting. The Veep writers clearly hate the real Tonight Show. Scott's casting was probably a bit of wish fulfillment with regard to the kind of host David Mandel wishes the show had as opposed to the one it does have.

I may be a terrible person for wishing this, but the show ending with Jonah in the White House may be even better. I'm all for Selina the character getting a happy ending, but the show Veep has such a coal-black heart that a happy ending for it would seem highly uncharacteristic to me.

To be fair, she was still worried about going to jail at that point. I don't blame her for being a little distracted. At the same time, I would have loved it if in Veep's world, Carson had just refused to retire and clung to the Tonight Show like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver. Imagine Selina going on the

"Also, can we make Adam Scott hosting The Tonight Show over Fallon a real thing?"

Well, if that happens, I hope he at least keeps the excellent sense of humour he developed in Season 2.

Haha, I liked that line too. The actor's line reading made it seem almost romantic in a way. He said it the same way someone would have said 'You had me at "hello"' in a rom-com.

Hmm, you've got me there. I don't really know the finer legal details of how YouTube channels operate. However, common sense dictates that when dangerous stunts are involved, you would compulsorily need some sort of safeguard.

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. As much as I would LOVE to know who killed Clive's young zombie friend/surrogate son and almost-girlfriend, I think I'll wait until the show reveals it. I'm still jealous you already know how everything's going to play out though :)

Holy shit! It's so cool to talk to someone who works on the show. Any interesting behind the scenes trivia you can share without (obviously) giving away spoilers or jeapordising your job?

A shitty ending to a shitty season. That ending in particular told me quite clearly that the show's writers are completely out of ideas. Season 1 ending, Barry willingly sacrifices himself to save the Earth by entering a shapeless void. Season 3 ending, Barry willingly sacrifices himself to save the Earth by entering

Precisely. If a stunt like this went wrong in real life and the producers didn't have a guy with a fire extinguisher standing nearby, they'd be looking at a hefty lawsuit from the victim's family. No producer would be that stupid, no matter how many releases they got the stuntman to sign.

Neither the rat nor the zombies at the Max Rager party were normal zombies though. Ravi was experimenting on the rat with tainted utopium, and the zombies at the party had also consumed the tainted utopium and Super Max. Maybe that had something to do with it.

He's not gone full evil yet. So far he's killed his father's henchmen, who weren't exactly angels, and (maybe) his father, who was evil incarnate. I'm hoping he turns into an antihero; that would be a lot more interesting, narratively speaking, and plus, I really don't want to see Season 1 teen-murdering Blaine again.

I thought so too. That was a brilliant bit of misdirection.

Yep. My theory is that the military guy who works with her conspired with Chase (who decided to rid himself of Fillmore, the military guy, and the British woman in one fell swoop) to get rid of Fillmore because he was getting tired of her wait-and-watch approach to the zombie killer crisis. She's probably letting

No no no. It was CLEARLY Rose McIver in Power Rangers. (And yes, McIver was in Power Rangers.)

Actually, she didn't seem to look all that different this time around. She looked like Zombie Liv, just a few skin tones darker. Last season, when she disguised herself as a normal human to infiltrate Max Rager as a prospective job interviewee, she looked totally different from Zombie Liv. And by different, I mean so

Why not Jesse and Wally, with Harry as the stern mentor with the heart of gold and Jay Garrick as the wise sage popping in from time to time to offer advice and help? I think we'd all happily watch that. I also would like a different Earth. Earth 2 would be pretty great. In addition to the retro-futuristic design, as