
Not really. So far, the evidence is the serum enhances memory recall. There's no evidence yet that it brings back lost memories.

She's cute in the zombie makeup. Without the makeup, she's seizure-inducingly beautiful.

Is she definitely plugged in?

So no Mr Boss this season? Where is that guy anyway?

I wonder whether Peyton slept with Blaine because she was really pining over Ravi, just like Ravi did with his old boss. I'm hoping that's the case, because otherwise, there's no reason for her to act so stupid.

Yeah, it was definitely a terrible idea for them to talk about the cure in front of Justin. I expect major ramifications from that decision.

Woah, that must have hurt like hell. Was your hand OK?

And Rose McIver.

I'm getting a little tired of Carrie's weekly litany that the Major-Natalie story line doesn't feel fully fleshed out. We get it. The story line needs more screen time. I'm sure it will get some eventually because this show is really good at slowly building its subplots and series-long arcs. I'm enjoying the slow

Agreed. A little more exposition was definitely needed here.

The way these characters have been written for this show, I honestly never got the impression that Jughead and Betty were particularly close before they became a couple. My impression was that Betty was close to Archie and that Jughead was close to Archie, but Betty and Jughead never really hung out together. They

Holy shit, that's a great idea. Yes, please let it be Hot Dog.

Ahh, that'd be the dream.

And I'm willing to bet anything that whatever plans the showrunners and writers had regarding Jughead's sexuality for next season are going to be thrown out the window by the network suits now that they've seen the overwhelmingly positive response to 'Bughead'. I think we should all start preparing in advance to be

No, I don't have a mug or t-shirt (although I'd kill for a Letterman jacket), but I do have an original 1994 edition of Bill Carter's Late Shift that I must have read a thousand times, and I can't get through my day without watching at least one Letterman video. Thanks for the input by the way. I'm definitely getting

Yeah, many of his late 90s shows are really difficult to watch. His futile attempts to win back the viewers he lost to Leno were clearly getting to him. His hair started thinning; he looked gaunt and tired all the time. There was one episode where Cher was a guest and told him he looked like shit, and he snapped at

Haha, no need to feel embarrassed - I'm a huge fan too, at least of his 80s and early 90s stuff. I think he was only sporadically good after that. Leno's resurrection in the mid-90s and subsequent stranglehold on the ratings seemed to have really broken him. Nevertheless, he's definitely one of the most fascinating

You mean the new Jason Zinoman book, right? Is it any good? I'm planning on buying it.

He was actually quoting a line from the episode, which I'm not sure you watched.

Basically, he's comics accurate.