
OK, so I tried Googling it, but I couldn't find the exact source :( I do remember that Rowling said this in response to a fan question on her website a little after Deathly Hallows came out. I haven't visited her website in years, and I don't even know if the version of it that I visited exists because that version

It's cool. I actually agree with you that Snape was inexcusably a total dick to Harry. It's just that I find him a fascinating character regardless.

Still doesn't explain the lack of Dumbledore, unless it was because at that point, Harry still thought Dumbledore had just meant for him to be a pawn in his long game against Voldemort.

He repaired Malfoy's Sectumpsempra wounds, which would very likely have killed Malfoy had Snape not been around. Repairing the wounds caused by the snake bite would have been easy once he took the snake venom antidote.

Rowling's said that Dumbledore could have reined in Snape but deliberately chose not to because he had some weird notion that encountering bad teachers is part and parcel of the school experience. So Dumbledore is equally to blame here.

Actually, Lily never rejected him, because she never even knew that he had feelings for her. She just ended her friendship with him because he refused to abandon the dark side. Snape wasn't wrapped up in her rejection but in his guilt that he was the one responsible for her death. As for his treatment of Harry,

The episode itself was great, but I'm not sure about that ending. Rick was a far more fascinating character when he was an antihero with a soft spot for his family. Him going into full-blown villain mode may be a sign that the show's about to jump the shark…or this could all be an elaborate fake-out. Either way, I'm

I loved that too, but I can't help but wonder if it would have been funnier (and more comics accurate) if the guys had run out of Fred's office to find Moose running after the vandals wielding one of their tire irons. He's Moose after all. A couple of punks shouldn't have got the drop on him.

Not even Rhea's crazy enough​ to go near that.

Damn, now I want a scene like in the Avengers where Barry and Kara sit in a cafe and eat shawarmas (and doughnuts and ice cream) after a battle, except they've got mountains of the stuff in front of them and are shovelling them down at lightning speed while all the other patrons sit around looking nauseated.

So, did Polly's line about her and Jason moving to 'a farm upstate' and raising the baby sound sketchy to anyone else? It's the kind of thing you would say to a child when its beloved pet has to be put down: 'We're going to send it to a farm where it'll run and jump around and never be sick again!' I think what

I think the AV Club has been unnecessarily down on The Flash for a while now. I thought this was a pretty solid episode overall. Barry convincing Wally he can phase by giving him the iconic 'Run, Wally, Run' speech made a lot of sense, considering Barry's been hearing a version of that phrase from others for years

Agreed. Although, I have to say, that "crunch" sound when they shook hands in the promo was perfection.

Oliver: Our world could use a Supergirl.

I was expecting that too! They had a scene like that between Barry and Kara in the World's Finest crossover. In the scene where Kara introduces Wynn and Jimmy to Barry, after Barry asks for Kara's help in figuring out a way back to his Earth, she goes, 'Don't worry', claps her hand on his shoulder without thinking,

I don't know why people shit on CoS (the film adaptation) so much. It was overly long, yes, but it was by no means a bad film. It had so many good moments (Harry arriving at the Weasleys', the boys flying and subsequently crashing the Ford Anglia, the Polyjuice Potion sequence, Tom Riddle (Christian Coulson was so

The fact that you didn't get fired may have been an indication that your manager was an HP fan.

Agreed 100%. Goblet is my favourite HP book and one of my favourite adaptations, but it definitely needed to be at least two films long. Here's hoping its adapted with more fidelity in the inevitable TV show remake we'll get five years from now.

Regarding 1., they did film this scene, but they ended up having to cut it out because of pacing issues, as they felt that the opening of the film was already too long. The scene is pretty well acted though; you can find it in the deleted scenes in the DVD. There's also a goodbye scene with Petunia and Harry that I

The C+ was justified. The episode was rushed and overstuffed. Caitlin confessing to Cisco, Cisco lying to Caitlin about his vision, Cisco telling Caitlin the truth about the vision, Cisco revealing her secret to the group, Caitlin chewing Cisco out for having a big mouth and then immediately forgiving him five minutes