
You mean 'palpable', right? Unless you're suggesting you find the boredom from the actors delicious.

Many people were confused about why Barry went back in time a second time this episode. I think he intended to stop himself from going back in time in the second season finale and, in doing so, erase the entire Paradox timeline from existence. I could be wrong though. It was really stupid of them not to explain

Contrary to what that guy at the end of the embedded video said, we do in fact have Netflix in India, and Master of None is available on it for streaming. So either the guy was misinformed or just plain lazy.

Great episode! Two observations:

So during the final interrogation scene, did anyone get the impression that Babineaux lost a loved one in a similar way to how the killer lost his? The way the camera zoomed in on his face (twice) during the killer's confession seemed rather deliberate.

Did anyone know that not only did Rebecca Staab (who played Sue Storm [aka The Invisible Girl] in the 1994 Roger Corman Fantastic Four film) and Julian McMahon (who played Victor Von Doom [aka Doctor Doom] in the 2005 Tim Story Fantastic Four film) appear in a 2004 episode of Nip/Tuck, but their characters also

Fair enough. If you want the show to come back because it gives you personal joy, only a monster would oppose that sentiment. I, on the other hand, am ready to let the show go. The finale was one of the best episodes of Community I've seen, and I think the show should go out on top. To each his own.

If that's what you think, aren't you kind of missing the point of the season finale? The themes of the finale were abandonment and new beginnings. No matter how much we love something, we need to let it go eventually so we can move on to something new. I love Community, but I would rather see it end than see a dozen

I'm sorry, but I really don't like Matt Berry all that much :( Can't stand the fellow, to tell the truth.

I avoided commenting on Grifting 101 last week, because it was so bad that I was afraid I would end up saying something really hurtful about this show I love. This week's episode, on the other hand, was a delight from start to finish. It still didn't hold up against the episodes from the early seasons, but I don't

I have a strong feeling that the stress being placed on Eddie with regard to keeping Barry's secret from Iris is going to have negative repercussions for Barry in the future. If Eddie loses Iris, this could be the thing that pushes him over the edge into villainy.

Wait, people are still watching Gotham? And more importantly, the AV Club is still covering Gotham?

I didn't think the confessions in Basic Email Security had as much impact as the ones in Cooperative Calligraphy and Cooperative Polygraphy, as Frankie and Elroy aren't as clearly developed as characters as the rest of the cast are (or as Troy, Shirley, and Pierce were). On the other hand, I really enjoyed the


Also, anyone else interpret the line "if we move the nest, the mother won't come back", and Abed being so fiercely insistent on defending the nest for that purpose, as a parallel to the fact that his own mother abandoned him in S2?

What odduck said.

So what exactly was the point of the Karate Kid subplot? I mean, what point were they trying to make with it? Is Chang going to become an actor, now that he's finally found a medium to channel his insanity? Or was the whole thing just an excuse to recreate Karate Kid on stage? I'm glad that Ken Jeong had an

Hey, hey, hey! Just where do you think this relationship is? If you're thinking of instituting an open-door urination policy, let me disabuse you of that notion right now, my friend.

Chekhov's cab!

I have a long(ish) reply to this, but it's nearly 3 am and I'm falling asleep at my laptop. I'll type out something tomorrow. This isn't over, The Archmage of the Aether ;)