
Sorry, I meant "Michael," not "Sahil."

And there's really no one better than Sumeet Raghavan to play Sahil. He played the straight man so well on Sarabhai.

That's such a Maya Sarabhai response :) RPS is amazing. If Arrested Development was remade in India, she'd be the first choice to play Lucille Bluth.

Bharat Ek Khoj is pretty great, and Malgudi Days is a stone-cold classic. But there are very few shows besides these that I even remember from those days.

Actually, that list's been put on ice for now. And word is that Nihalani, the CBFC chairman who came up with the list, is going to get the sack soon. Both filmmakers and producers as well as the Information and Broadcasting Ministry are up in arms about this entire fiasco.

"It was pretty good till Doordarshan was the only network"

Which culture are you referring to specifically? Because India has several different cultures, depending on whom you speak to. There's Hindu culture, Muslim culture, Christian culture, Parsee culture, and so on and so forth. There's no such thing as "Indian culture."

Correction: they're very sensitive about nudity in media. And the "they" applies more to right-wing politicians than the general public. Some of India's oldest and greatest temples have nude men and women in various nude poses all over them. Indian society used to be very liberal several centuries ago, and it's only

Please don't use that appalling name. It's the Bombay film industry. Amitabh Bachchan himself has gone on record stating that he hates the term 'Bollywood'.

After having watched this episode, I like to pretend that my umbrella is a cane when I go out and it's raining. I even look for excuses to use the umbrella to point at things, just like Bill. Once I did it when a friend of mine was with me and he thought it was hilarious. That's how I introduced him to Newsradio.

Seinfeld has not aged. I watched it for the first time in 2012, when I was 22, and I could instantly see how brilliant it was. I didn't get some of the cultural references, but there's always Google for that.

Another remarkable similarity: both Newsradio and Community, in their first season, tried to depict how a radio station and a community college actually functioned, and both gave up doing so from their second season onward so they could just focus on their characters doing and saying funny things. In both cases, the

I don't get it…

" As innovative and hilarious as the 1991-1993 SEINFIELD episodes are, 1996-1998 SEINFIELD is damn near unwatchable."

I think that what happens next is even worse. Dave looks under his desk and sees that Matthew, the person he wanted gone most of all, is hiding under there. The final exchange between the two (Matthew: It's you and me Dave. You and me, FOREVER; Dave: [almost sobbing] I know) is chilling. The whole scene confirmed the

I don't get it…oh, wait, it's coz you'll think I'll say Torrest Fu—

I have a feeling it had something to do with the speed force. The speed force is considered to be sentient, so it must have sensed his desperation to save Iris, Joe, and the whole of Central City and sent him back in time. However, this still doesn't explain why the Flash of the previous timeline disappeared. Since we

Also, let's not forget the Dean's amazing get-up in the episode. The existential crisis that arises from the costume, and the way it's eventually resolved at the end, was handled so well.

Not to mention he didn't help out that lady who couldn't get a cab. Barry was a total dick in this episode.

"Time Traveling doesn't seem to be a guarantee, especially if he knows it will happen."