at all costs

@ Some Douche - that's pretty racist to assume all black people are into healing crystals and new-age religion.

As long Jackson doesn't turn every fucking character into "comedic relief."

Also, as mentioned in the article, juggalos will give free drinks to other dudes that expose themselves. That's gayer than watcher Ellen (admittedly not by much).

Question for Tucker Max
How does it feel knowing that this will outsell your movie by orders of magnitude?

HOLY SHIT! Was that Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Heart getting his hand beat by a hammer?

I got World of Goo after hearing all the hype, and I have to say it really wasn't that good. And I'm usually a fanatic for physics/puzzle games. (Armadillo Run is probably the best of all time.) It was alright, but definitely something I regret paying for.

That tetris picture is totally 'shopped
No way you could get your tv to stick to the wall like that.

Kanye is the Jay Leno of music.

Am I the only one
who thinks Dion Cole isn't funny at all?

Best Chicago Pizza?

I sure hope so, 'cause those tits are fantastic.

Considering all his steroid use, they're probably nicknamed "The Marbles."

You know what's real fun at parties? Talking about Jersey Shore. If a party doesn't have people discussing and generally enjoying that show, I'm out.

Just keep listening to Korn's first album.

The Berzerker would fit the bill quite nicely.

Truly, what is it good for?

Is this feature dead?
I thought it came out at the start of the month.

However, there is substantial evidence that the "beck killed a girl" meme is far past its time to be put to rest.

Just checked on my iphone - I'm getting an interview with Gallagher(!), Titus Andronicus, Strike Anywhere, and Andrew Bujalski.