at all costs

I really like decider chicago (or avclub chicago now). I prefer it over metromix and redeye.

Reader reviews
I think that's an awesome idea. I'm sure you'll get a little bitchin' and moanin' about it, but that's a really cool feature.

Mr. Ed
Is wouldn't think there would be a market for those DVDs. I doubt anyone alive has seen it outside of Nick at Night.

Wasn't that already in Back to the Future III?

What is your avatar from?? I seem to remember some kids show, and this tornado would show up in a mazeā€¦ Perhaps the maze was grammar related, but I could be wrong.

Blart to the Future

Bee Movie? Who's the ad wizard that came up with that one!?

Tuxedo - you're obviously not married. Marriage is about petty wins, however you can get them.

The Air Up There
An African playing basketball? Talk about a fish out of water!!

Yeah - PW can just post his assignments here on the boards and we'll walk him through it.

Yeah - PW can just post his assignments here on the boards and we'll walk him through it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "Lego" also a brand? I don't really get their logic.

That's why I drive a large robot puma that connects to various other robotic cats.

Here's a solution - don't pay taxes.

Just so it's clear - I don't actually pre-approve my wife's media consumption.

Amen Josh - that's why I don't let my wife watch popular movies, or MTV style TV shows. Whenever she does she starts bitching about what her relationship should be like. Gotta nip those unrealistic expectations in the bud.


Premise and conclusion inverted
Nothing says "Be mine" like a warmed-over slasher remake, which means Friday The 13th cleaned up at the box office this Valentine's weekend.

I'm a spankwire man, myself.

mbs is annoying enough that he may be sock-puppeting all the hate against himself.