Ryan Farrell Is a Giant Douche

Nope: Parks & Rec, "The Fight"

If you haven't already, give the first season of "Louie" a shot. Contrary to the gushing you see all over this site, the second season is far inferior to the first (not nearly as funny, for one thing).

I go to Tisch, and I've never heard any of my classmates mention any celebrity students.

P.S. - no offense

Hi, I know you probably get this a lot, but: Jesus Christ, you're an asshole.

I saw this movie at a press screening. It is seriously very, very good.

hipsters invaded Montparnasse in the 50s, dude.

I'm very grateful for this article, if only for linking to the ten-month-old interview with the awful, awful Bruce Vilanch. What an interesting discussion with a barely humanoid creature.

Bruce Vilanch - fat-ass hack.

If you think that Fallon's impression of Sting was "dead on", then nobody has any reason to trust your opinion on anything.

It doesn't matter how unfunny Nasim was because she is incredibly hot. Just let her sit there as the straight woman so we can all bask in her glory, and let Wiig have all the funny lines.

I agree.

It's called corpsing and everybody does it…

You are soooo wrong about Wiig. (Sorry, dude). She's awesome in almost every sketch she does.

If by "later Simpsons" you mean season 8 or 9, sure. (I don't remember which episode/season that quote's from).

Sorry, I just don't care for it.

That's awesome - it must have just been added!

You can say 2-9, but you should add that the peak years of those years were 3-6.

Agreed. The episode's sort of a downer.

That's one of my least favorite quotes ever from early "Simpsons."