Ryan Farrell Is a Giant Douche

Oh, shut the fuck up. Nobody argues that "The Simpsons" sucks now because it's hip to say so. Everyone says so because it's the truth: this once-great series is now a swirling vortex of shit.

Yes, Wild at Heart, too.

You know what else makes up for his failiures? "Raising Arizona" and "Adaptation".

Do you follow the fucking news at all? Do you know about the bill that Obama is about to pass which will allow detaining citizens indefinitely in military prisons for "suspicion" of terrorist activities? The fuck is wrong with you ignoramuses?

Agreed, unless you think joking about massacring millions of Vietnamese is funny or clever.

That is a bizarre rewriting of history. I hope you're not a teacher.

The 80s was over two decades ago. That is a long time.

You think that "Won't Get Fooled Again" has great lyrics? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mentally disabled?

Too bad that Chuck D is an ignorant Farrakhan worshipper.

You fucking liar. There's no way that you didn't know more about rap before MC Hammer. Everyone and their fucking grandmother knew the Fat Boys or the Chicago Bears song, etc., etc.

she has an ass like a BASKETBALL

Obama is an authoritarian.

FZero for Super Nintendo was a terrible game.

mighty strong words from an adult who plays video games

Oscar has become insufferably annoying. I miss seasonĀ 3 Oscar.

I'm trying to think of a response that's both valid and douchey, but my powers are failing me.

Hi, my name's Ryan Farrell. I live in Greenpoint and I am a douchey, aging wannabe hipster.