
Do bigger donations get to pick body regions? Please?

Can also call him the Vice President on the West Wing after Tim Matheson left the show.

You are one or all of the following - a troll, a moron or so full of self-righteous indignation that Bill O'Reilly is shocked to find bullshit in this post.

Yeah, I appreciate mystery and anticipation as much as the next guy, but when I saw this (like 10 minutes ago on Hulu), I was amazed it was not the first comment.

The good thing?

I had somehow missed "Dramatis Personae." I was sure I'd seen every episode of every series until now. And damn, is it pretty cool. I really love three two key things:

Much, though not all of the Bashir genetic enhancement pieces were downplayed or stopped altogether. Alexander Siddig was incensed at the storyline because it had never been planned. He found out on a Thursday, shooting began on a Friday. He would intentionally phone in the "Data-like" scenes, going so far as to

Much, though not all of the Bashir genetic enhancement pieces were downplayed or stopped altogether. Alexander Siddig was incensed at the storyline because it had never been planned. He found out on a Thursday, shooting began on a Friday. He would intentionally phone in the "Data-like" scenes, going so far as to

I find The Wire very hard to watch. I love Garak. I think he's well-written, very well-acted and while the most deceitful character on the station, the most straight-forward. His lies are lies, riddled with obfuscation and tied with a bow. He's a brilliant storyteller, able to weave truth with fiction and come up with

I find The Wire very hard to watch. I love Garak. I think he's well-written, very well-acted and while the most deceitful character on the station, the most straight-forward. His lies are lies, riddled with obfuscation and tied with a bow. He's a brilliant storyteller, able to weave truth with fiction and come up with

Well, sonofabitch. I just finished episode 12 of House of Cards, tried to pick up 13—the season finale (that needs another name. They're each considered a chapter, so I'll use "book finale")—and… Netflix is now down.

Oh shits and poops, I forgot it's tomorrow. The tradition must be recognized.

Well, thanks for judging us. On behalf of the entire marathon community, we apologize for not conforming to the television-watching schedules that you have approved. Where did you locate what must be a massive compass, that guides you in your quest as Entertainment Consumption Arbiter? Is it MAGIC? Does it have Wi-Fi?

I'm rather impressed with it all so far. Spacey does a good job - I wish they'd just eliminate the accent, but it's pretty harmless. It's not as if it's as bad as Kevin Costner's Boston accent in Thirteen Days.

I'm rather impressed with it all so far. Spacey does a good job - I wish they'd just eliminate the accent, but it's pretty harmless. It's not as if it's as bad as Kevin Costner's Boston accent in Thirteen Days.

"I can't believe they sold me a genuine sorting hat, suckers. Slytherin ain't got shit on Hufflepuff."

You just described every argument I've ever had with my brother, so sure.

I do agree there's a shitton of exposure for both—though it's not like Glee needs it, it probably helps Coulton more. That said, actually making his name an adjective to describe what's been done with the song suggests they're either morons or know they screwed up.

I'm lost on this whole "but I don't like the song, he deserves to be screwed" thing. I don't understand how the idea of someone completely lifting someone's artistic creation is okay since you didn't like it.

I don't know that it's so cut and dry. I listened to a layered copy of both songs, one on top of the other and about halfway through, the speed and rhythm of the song is identical. One of the vocalists who I'm not going to bother to learn the name of because I could make better use of my time simply by staring at my