
I loved Sorkin for a very long time, partly because of The West Wing, especially the immense drop off in quality writing after he left, and partly because that series stemmed from his similar writings in The American President. They were idealistic, they were lofty, they were patently absurd, but the writing itself

Dan in Real Life 3: Real Vagrant.

Those poor miserable fucks. I saw Steve Carell eating out of a dumpster—A DUMPSTER, PEOPLE.

When he delivers the last couple lines of the dialogue in the diner, it's crushing.

Also agreed.

I can die now. I can die and know I've seen all that I needed to see.

Very fair criticism. But using it himself in his new pirate endeavours would've made more sense. Or perhaps sell it to interests against the king that may have led to additional turmoil, thus distracting the king from rallying the navy to catch the burgeoning brigand using his own ship against him.

There are multiple problems, now that you feel the need to be snide.

Agreed, it was a very rapid jump. When the credits rolled, I had an Anchorman moment and thought, "That escalated quickly." I get the rage and anger aspect of "fuck the king!" and doing irrational things, but you're now also a pirate. Perhaps, I dunno, selling that extremely rare pegasus-baby-skin sail back to the

Yeah, and I get the "cause magic" part of it, but there's also the visual. Pixie dust? These floating, magical particles, I can say "hey, magic dust," and it surrounds the ship. So, okay. Magic, alright.

Ugh. I saw the sail unfurl, heard the word "pegasus," stared at my television and shouted at it. Like I shout at CNN whenever.. well, almost any time something can be blown out of proportion or over-wrought. I believe my words were, "pegas—shit is this? the boat's gonna fucking fly now?"

Absolutely. When you're dreaming about guys who keep saving your life - in any other media, it's because the girl (in this case, Aaron) is infatuated. I'm good with shipping that.

I'm thinking that since this happened while he was sleeping, it was something his subconscious was preoccupied with. He was mildly aware of Miles' plan to go outside the wall, but not too up with the details. I assume Rachel would've told him, if only in passing, and it was kind of a "I hope everything's alright"

It got one from me too, but so did the question I said out loud in confusion, "wait, she's still Sheriff?"

Train wreck? Second series? Perhaps the second episode, but I thought the second series outshone the first significantly. And the cursed second episode in series two was far more watchable than The Blind Banker by leaps and bounds.

Surprisingly, of all the singing parts that can sting, the Janitor's (which is sort of a throw-away line) always struck me as the most earnest. But I love My Philosophy, the entire ending is great. For some reason his just stands out.

This was really a pure-gold performance. I listened to the album first, then watched the special. I have to say, don't fucking bother watching it. He riffs a bit more in the album, his transitions are lost in editing for the special, it really loses some of the spontaneity that just pushes this from very good to

It's a pretty memorable word. In the script, at least. Lex has captured Lois and her son aboard his boat, she insists he'll never get away with it. She insults him, he taunts her, trying her to get to her line that Superman will save them. The line (approximate) is..

Also instantly though of the Initiative. Here's hoping the cut up and re-sewn together bits of various c-list fairytale characters don't take over the town. Imagining the Humpback of Notre Dame's body, the Beast's face and mane. Also, just to confuse things, Rufio's coloring and haircut from Hook, even if it's not

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus That's ridiculous. I'm reading it.