Chris Conley

Or pulling a Pauline Kael was a bitch reference and not sounding like it wasn't true.

He so copied Queen.

Hey it's Tom Kenny, I remember him for doing not only Spongebob but also doing voice duties on Transformers. But everybody will hate on those, oh yep they did, racial stereotypes everybody thinks they see them. Or was it just because Michael Bay was directing it and not the savior to the human race himself, Joss

Well, you know what Bay hating and bashing is pretty lame in itself too.

Again says a guy named The Peanut Master.


Nope, he doesn't care.

Whatever, I've seen more badly edited movies out there, again you are wrong. 
Plus, I really don't know what you expected out of the movies, something Nolan-esque hardly, it's based off a fucking toy commercial for god's sakes.

To be fair Bay's got that Pirates show he's producing too, so is Danny Boyle going to make some kind of copycat show for that one.

You are most likely wrong yourself.

I doubt it.

Oh noes Michael Bay, get your crucifix and holy water, you critical assholes.

Or I could not, either which, maybe you could go fuck yourself, that's likely though.

Will I eat those words, will I.

Judge you're out of order, you've admitted confirmed biased on your part, turn in your gavel and step down.

No caste I don't even believe in caste systems.

 Ha ha, I wouldn't make a movie about it, I just didn't get the meaning of the movie, all I got was that life in India sucks.

neuroshit I really don't care, That's all that movie seems to be about, how shitty India is, why come here?

Sorry I'm so mad that coherence is going out the door.

I know that idiot, thanks for making a whole movie around that, Danny Boyle. That's my point, sorry for the incoherence.