Chris Conley

I have to raise the middle finger at AV Club again, you brought it on yourselves. I guess this will be the Deep Impact to Bay's Armageddon, by that I mean completely forgotten except for a role from Morgan Freeman. So will this show be played repeatedly on TNT 20 years from now.

I don't remember that many uncomfortable silences.

Says the guy who's named the Juggernaut Bitch.

el estupido, te jodan.

Sadly, neuroshit you are in the minority. The moviegoing public makes up the majority. Not all of us are smart enough eggheads to realize how bad explosions are for us and are apparently made for only distracting dogs and babies.

Thanks Danny Boyle for revealing that India is really a rat hole country in league with most third world countries. Like we didn't already know that.

Hardly masochistic, I don't like pain, and I'm not Pinhead.

Plus guess, what Transformers 4 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will probably make more money than Trance did as it was barely fucking released. I know what you'll say about all that money and box office bullshit, but whatever.

Downvote yourself.

I thought he didn't care.

He reveled in the cesspool nature of India, it's really just a movie to say how life in India sucks.  Or do the police in India really torture the criminals while doing interrogation? Plus, roving bands of Child Kidnappers.

Senor Bay es no diablo, estupido.

Let's just go with it's not Breaking Bad and it's not Mad Men either. Easy done, but really Breaking Bad is so fucking overrated it's hilarious.

I hardly see Breaking Bad as art, then again I'm a person who sees film as not being art as much as it just being something to entertain someone and make someone escape for a little while. And TV shows should never be art either.

I doubt it, Titantic rip-offs aren't in style anymore.

He doesn't fucking care neroushit. So what if Danny Fucking Slumdog Millionaire India is a cesspool and a fucked up country Boyle is going to make a WWII show that is exactly the same as his. Whoop de fucking do, and I love how AV Club wastes time on this pompous stick it in Bay's eye shit.

Too busy doing shitty overdone episodes of South Park.

Oh give it a fucking rest Braugher.

Oh the anti-bay sentiment really gets my blood boiling on here. Fuck you all and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I was too, ha ha.