Chris Conley

He never said he was.

Oh that nasty Bay where's my crucifix.

Well at least it won't be boring.

Oh course no praise for Bay you'd get kicked out of snobs anonymous and film is an art club.

His ego isn't that big, considering how big Roland Emmerich's is.

Time again for Onion AV Club to beat Walking Dead up again because it's not Breaking Bad.

No that was Colin Farrell.

Can't Kevin Spacey break out of jail or something.

Well everyone remembers the other good movies they did instead.


Stop being your name sake.

What, because of JFK? Come on people have been making conspiracy theories on JFK for years, it's not like he follows them.

He has been, buddy you've never watched Platoon or Wall Street come on. JFK please.

The douches in this movie are less creepy and douchey.

Dan Akyroyd will one day exact revenge on Bob Woodward for that book.

Yes but still we need a season were we find out Nick Cage actually used the place to be the sorcerer supreme. Come on there's bound to be wizards in this world of witches.

How can he not know about this show, and I'm sure someone told him that they mentioned him.

Jessica Lange snorting coke and sucking guys dry.

Well Nick Cage could show up.

Seriously Barbara Ann Constable is a hottie.