Chris Conley

Whatever, by your judge.

Hey I liked Transformers 2 for all it's fault, now Green Lantern there's a horrible blockbuster for  you.

No here he was in Eric Bana as Nero acting.

Um, did we even see the same movie, why would he even think of being with Zod.

But you'll ultimately see it anyway.

Hey David and other guy, 
Stop beating this movie up, I'm really sick of hearing about all this butthurt jack crap from you idiots on here. It's bad enough AV Club has to bring this movie up every point 5 seconds just to lambast it because it's not their version of Superman.

No I could watch Kaley Cuoco all day long.

Think of it as A Few Good Men: The Series.

JAG seemed like it was A Few Good Men-off.

Well, really nobody blames him for smacking the pop culture spewing womanizing pig in the back of the head often. DiNozzo gets pretty annoying after a while. But I only watched the show for Ziva.


Raige how are these the same shows, NCIS has a jokey tone about it with DiNozzo always try to hit on ladies like he's James Bond Jr. or something. Criminal Minds is what sick shit can some people do to each other, oh ones that have a human doll collection is that sick enough for you.

I love how all the comic book nerds get upset on Superman and his special set of rules. And as far as the film critic side of this site that moans about how dark and dreary this is. That's what you wanted for god's sakes, you didn't like jokey cheesy Superman movies so you get dark. And you don't like it, fine make up

Eh, Not like Superman II's little bout didn't cost lives, I always imagined some people got killed during that battle.

Can't wait till Daniel Craig has to sing in some dorky musical.

Not saying the movie is better, just saying Travolta's performance is better in that.

Chinese Godzilla is beaten by a giant Mao statue come to life.

It's good old fashion racist bullshit, I come from the South we perfected racism.

Making fun of the Walking Dead, most of the people on here just spew hate about it. It's not really making fun of it if you just repeat how much it sucks like a mantra.

No citiric
I still defend Michael Bay, but I do more than that.