destroy all tacos

No, you're thinking of To Serve Egyptian.

Also, unless you work retail. Although any moment now my situation is going to shift from hearing Taylor Swift all day to hearing Christmas music all day. Unless Taylor Swift has a Christmas album.

It'd have to be one those ones that alters the lyrics heavily, but The Ramones' "I Don't Care" as a jingle for Meineke (or any other auto repair shop). See, the way Joey Ramone slurs the title phrase has always made it sound more like "auto care" to me.

Geggy Tah.

I know what you mean, but still ended up picturing some sort of Odd-Couple-esque sitcom where a ghost and a Yeti are roommates.

I kind of find that lyric endearing/funny actually… He's not just misspelling "girlfriend" because "d" and "girlfriend" don't rhyme, he's also spelling it the way he pronounces it in the song ("girlfrien'").

I tend to associate the Descendents with Adolescents because their lyrics tend to bother me for the same reasons. I like the music to "Creatures", but the only defense I can give for the lyrics is that they were written by a teenager, and that I probably had thoughts that were as dumb at that age - I just never wrote

The president's weird, he's got a burgundy beard.

If I remember my music trivia used as segues on 90's pop radio, they got their name because one of the band members tried to get another one to come up with a band name on the spot and the best he could do was "deep blue… something".

I saw this article in my facebook feed, and amusingly enough, one of the related articles had the headline "[Satire] Area Facebook User Incredibly Stupid".

I'm mildly disappointed because this is too similar to the tagline (or title) I came up with for a movie about a shampoo that turns people into zombies: Lather, Rinse, Die, Repeat.

Probably not the strangest lyric in the song, considering there's "That's like hypnotizing chickens".

The strangest part to me is that the previous line is "there's no bathroom and there is no sink". So there isn't a tap to begin with.

"Hey There Delilah": "Even more in love with me you'd fall". They pretty much had to rearrange that sentence into Yoda syntax in order to make it end with a word that rhymes with "all".

When I first saw the track-list to the new album, I misread this as "World Crimes", which would be an unusually weighty topic for a Weird Al parody.

Depends if you count Keenan Thompson, I guess?

Hey, there is at least one eighties hair metal summer song out there:

A lot of things in Australia were named after him, my favorite examples would include Division Of Batman, Batman's Hill, and Batman Walk. The last of those sort of sounds like a failed followup dance craze to the Batusi.

For some reason I've always had this idea of someone doing an otherwise completely faithful "Hey Jude" cover where they only sing the first stanza, followed by six minutes of na na na's.

His Unplugged performance included a pretty good rendition of "Transformer Man", so who knows, maybe the rest of the album would work too.