destroy all tacos

I remember tuning in to a classic rock station that week and actually hearing "Tuesday's Gone" announced by the DJ as a dedication to those who were affected by the attack. Also, looking at that list now, what stations even had "In The Year 2525" on their playlists to begin with? I mean "Oldies" was still a format

The first time I heard The Wall, I borrowed the first CD from a friend not knowing that there was a second disc: I'm not saying "Goodbye Cruel World" is my preferred ending to that album, but it does put a different spin on the story if you think it just abruptly ends with Pink killing himself as I did (in context I

You missed out, because the last word of the title is is the best part…

I am currently reading Notes From A Dirty Old Man, which is my first Bukowski book. One thing I like about it is that, because it was originally a series of unconnected columns in an independent paper, all these short, untitled pieces end up being the perfect length to read a little bit at a time while taking a bus to

Thanks to Homestar Runner, I find I cannot tell someone "I can do it" without at least mentally adding "…I will do it 9 times!"

As a teenager, I won a radio contest where you got to have three requests played in a row, and I believe I went with "Birdhouse In Your Soul", "Subterranean Homesick Alien", and "Diamond Sea". I didn't even mean to troll the station - there was a 5 minute single edit, so I figured they would just play that (as I'd

For some reason, one of the bits in Manos that crack me up the most is when there's a prolonged shot of The Master's dog, which stares at the camera while someone behind the scenes presumably struggles to get it to bark on cue. "What was my line? Oh yeah, ruff".

At a certain age I became really interested in the horror section of the local video store, just looking at all the weird covers and maybe reading the back of the box. I definitely remember this being in that section, but at the time I assumed from the cover it actually was about a killer cymbal banging monkey toy,

I have the first three Now! compilations on my ipod simply because I thought they'd make for a good nostalgic playlist I could put on at work. "Millennium" does come off pretty well in that context, though I think it's largely because of a good sample choice (the theme to You Only Live Twice) and being one of the

When first getting into classic rock radio, it took me a while to work out that The Who was not a shorthand way of referring to The Guess Who, like calling The Rolling Stones "The Stones", but a totally different band.

I remember going on a trip to Maryland with the family as a kid, seeing all those Chevy Chase ATMs and thinking the actor just had his own bank or something.

At a certain point during a second playthrough of Asylum, I ended up not being able to take the Killer Croc section as seriously due to encountering what seems to be a rare bug: Apparently it's possible for the game to be wrong about where you are in the maze, so one time I heard that loud, ominous chase music, only

I choose to believe Hang The Bastard got their name from Cannibal! The Musical, though I'm not sure how well-known that movie is in England. If so, it might be amusing to hear them cover their namesake song.

I now think there should be a band who are actually just called My Penis Is Etc.

I believe I read somewhere that "sebadoh" was a nonsense word Lou Barlow would sometimes use as filler when he hadn't written all the words to a song yet.

I've always felt that they should edit this song down to just the chorus, then use it in a PSA about vaccination.

I did try to put such a thing together, somewhat inspired by an article that trollishly placed The White Album as one of the "heaviest albums of all time". My track-list was as follows:

To nitpick, there are actually only 34 states left to go - the album had 15 tracks, but there was also "Louisiana", which was released as the b-side to "Montana".

I own the case to a bootleg The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, which I found at a thrift shop (it actually turned out to have a non-bootleg copy of Windtalkers in it instead). It looks like the real thing if you don't look too closely, but the tagline and blurb are mangled versions of those of Vanilla

I also knew Will Champion's name because it's somewhat cool-sounding (though I had to look it up because I initially had him confused with weather anchor Sam Champion). And his name can sort of be read as a future tense verb - If he set out to defend someone's last testament, a headline about it could read "Will