Mister Bubbles

Man of Steel….
wait let me make sure that's not a porno yet.

Why would they give Hemsworth lifts if hes 6'3"?

Chris Evans
(the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four films)… that won't cause confusion? Will it?

why sigh? who knows it could be good.

^about an hour later I realized that I've made an mistake.

He ate out the giant spider at the end of The Thing.

I hate you Christopher Nolan…. I hate your guts.

I agree with both of you, but I'm little underwhelmed by this sample, It's kinda what you except given songs title 'n' all and I don't see how it's that special…. I mean it's Kanye were talking about, he can come up with something a little better or inventive instead it feels like a track from a third rate producer

I think Mila pretty cute, but that picture is unflattering if you ask me.

Toes if you want to be correct.

Can I express my dislike…..
for this man.,…. Fuck you Mr. Crest Fuck you!!!

Movies like that never play anywhere, thank bob for streaming!

That is all……

In the reality where she's fucking neither one of us.

In reality she's almost 30.

A comment was just deleted here. What did he or she say that was so bad?


Yes, and money, fame…….. milking yourself like brown cow brown.

Qeading Qhis Qrticle…..
Qas Qot Qnteresting Qt Qll. Q' all Qames.
