Mister Bubbles

Album: The Low End Theory
Track: Chime The Rhime (I know it's an obvious choice, but can you blame me?)
Under-appreciated Gem: Everything is Fair (Don't if its really under-appreciated or not)

I don't mind women being in power (check out my porn collection *wink*)
but Diablo Cody is like the Lil' Wayne of writers in Hollywood/Film-making, she a gimmick writer…

Can we count
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?

One thing I didn't understand about that movie (hopefully someone will answer this)

For some weird reason I find Requiem for a Dream to be a totally re-watchable film for the very same reasons you pointed out.

Ofrah is too rich to be worry about these things called degrees.

From what I know "planking" is either one of these two things:

No, just Weezy.

No Incredible Hulk for you, mister Norton!!!

"I guess I just think of mixtapes as being a collection of random songs chosen by somebody….'

The people you play music for are idiots, give me Ghostface or Too $hort instead.

Never seen the first two…
but I've seen Army of Darkness and I've always thought it was funny that never really caught on to be a classic film.

I used to the love the shit out of Limp Bizkit when I was in grade school, Damn I was dumb back then.

She probably rides him with a long black cock.

If I were a monkey I would throw my poo at you.

Wow! Robuttnik that just….sounds……. wrong.

Will that be a new term now….."Pulling a Lucas"?

Hey! I kinda like O'Neal and you mean this poster "kicks ass highly" not "highly kick ass".

What John Waters said

She can probably eat a dozen quarter-pounders with cheese…….. oooops I forgot about the metric system… a Royale with cheese is it.