Mister Bubbles

Recovery…. Eminem in general
Sucks….. there someone had to say it.


Nah you guys, Lobsters is right on this one. People who like ole' frankie tend to be pretentious asshole.

Yeah its still good, but I think what makes the Pilot Talk albums so great is the production from Ski Beatz.

Yeah…. most are assholes, rich ones, poor ones, gay(happy) ones they're all assholes. Never met a humble artist.

I just saw that a few months ago, I can see why everyone think its great.

Really? Always, but what if she's fat……ooops… I mean carrying a little extra weight.

Thank You Steven….
for having common sense to give Eminem a fuckin' F, I hate that guy, but Royce is cool though.

What do you expect, it's modern country music.

^@guys above

I'll give their women a 7.8, they 'aight.

Huh? explain the reference to me.


A message to Sean O'Neal
We like you Sean and we need to see more of you!

@OP Jay is overrated, Kanye really isn't though, he's a great producer who can make great records and actually experiment a little and thats what people expect…….. most people who say what you just said probably think eminem a good rapper.

^Comment Above

Nah he got it right.

She could be a teen who looks 30, these girls today be gettin' boob, butt, and lip jobs that make'em look old.

^What homophobes would say about NY.

I could make a
Boondocks reference, but I won't……. booty