Mister Bubbles

Really? I mean Relax wasn't that bad… well maybe Power and Booty in the Air were terrible, but the rest were decent.

Yes, but that of his mixtape, Lost in Translation hasn't really done it for me yet.


Danny is that nigga! and thank god SXSW is moving towards more hip hop acts.

Most will think ghostface killah in white face.

The success of Adele is a weird parallel to UK music scene.

I don't know if this argument/question has been asked ,but why is it when black/urban artists like The Weeknd come out who are non-tradititional within a genre that is seen as being "black" or "african america" look upon as being lesser or trash?

Thank me Later.

Accurate indeed..

Black Up is th

CashRulez is right, Clam Casino's production is on point (his mixtape and EP are good too!)

only if it were christmas.

like duchamp…

As a young fellow I can say this with full confidence that those songs are commercial jingles used to sell products to old people and pop songs I like now will become the same.

"My boner is so confused" Isn't that always the case.

Yeah slash film is great sometimes, just week ago I listen to a episode with Armond White which got a little….. Ehhhh…..ummmm….. yeah?

"They're not milkers from Encino"…. is anyone a milker from Encino?

Did Pierce bang Eartha Kitt on a Pam Am flight? is he that old?

Sorry, I know but that's the term my friend uses so I can't help it sometime, but it's really all the same to me post mid to late 00's

Coming from a supposedly CG/Camp hater I have to agree with him there. But the subject of hip hop criticism and who defines the genre as only one sound or a niche never worried me because they're "mainstream music journalists" saying those things and their opinion frankly doesn't matter to me.(sometimes).