Elegant Victorian Lady

Oh dear. Have I made a great ninny of myself? How appalling. Please do accept my most sincere apologies for my oversight… I believe I might have been unconscious when this original list was submitted.

Yes, well, my Pastor prefers to picture him as an Anglican, but you go to war with the Saviour you have.

Rather unsporting behaviour. Convention and fair play dictate that the blood-feasting demons be stalked only just as the sun is setting, or else in the very heart of the Witching Hour. Else the poor fiendish dears have little chance except to hurl their disintegrating forms at you even as they are claimed by the

At this instant!

Given a moment's pause, I find I cannot locate the projectile of which you were so kind as to offer warning. Still, many thanks.

I am honestly surprised to see no sign of 'What We Do in the Shadows' among those offerings thought worthy of note by the gentle scribes of this fine publication. What a delicious idea, to revisit the dreaded 'Vampir' in a comedic milieu. (And here I must apologize, but it must be granted that on occasion French

I would just like to point out that had you all persisted in the careful cultivation of deep repression of the base urge (with occasional outlets, which, through unspoken agreement and common cause, go unremarked upon except during periodic outbursts of hysteria) you might now be rid of such overt displays of

In truth, the memory, never resting on the sturdiest foundation at the outset, is now completely unreliable. To test it too far is to invite further collapse, as is the present case.

Good Lord! Shock (or perhaps some variety of nervous complaint) has robbed the good Mr. G. of both his composure and, far more seriously, his very consciousness. And now, as though through some familiar melody which summons up a particular memory, I am put in mind of a remedy to said affliction! Does anyone present

The gentleman is something of a Tory, and although his conduct is admirable for one who covets the philosophy of that appalling cohort, the sad fact remains.

"Help! I'm in another dimension… Hey! There are martinis in this dimension!"

"I wouldn't want to bungle or boggle the Fingel doppel."

(Eyes widen)
(Surreptitiously searches for definition of 'whiffing')

Oh dear. Have I ruined your witticism then? What a silly creature I am. Do accept my sincerest apologies. Perhaps you would like to repeat the joke, and this time I promise I will maintain a strict silence, excepting only, (I am quite certain) an involuntary but restrained outburst of polite laughter.


Your company is accompanied forever by a procession of confounding contradictions! If only there was an idiom I could call to mind which might articulate the concept more clearly…

Do you mean to suggest that I paint myself, daubing my brow with the awful unguents of the deplorable demimonde to lure some leering hotspur into my boudoir? Not so, never so! I was taught from a young age that the pallor so admired by a certain odious clique of authors and artists is representative not of true

I demand an immediate 'coin-flip' to determine whether or not you, in fact, agree with me completely.

(Nods mutely, faints dead away)

Oh dear. Oh dear, those poor little moppets. What a situation to find yourself in. I can only suppose that their parents sent them there? All at once chimneysweeping does not seem so terrible.

If by 'debunked' you mean 'verified repeatedly by multiple groups of scientists, some of whom were determined to disprove it', then you are entirely accurate. Also the field of science to which you refer, 'climatology' has also not been 'debunked'. Perhaps you were thinking of alchemy, or phrenology?