Elegant Victorian Lady

A C-? Perhaps I am deceived.
(Re-reads review)
Well, a C- then. I must now admit, I do not fully apprehend the manner in which the letter grade is meant to relate to the review.

Although clearly the work of an artist in the best sense, displaying as it does compelling ambiguity framed by a distinct visual style, it appears also to suffer from the all too common fault of the artist- that is, misapprehension of the practical qualities of their subject. For simultaneous with the sinister blaze

Sadly, yes.

Your scenario has repelled the majority, certainly, but earned you the perfervid attention of a very particular minority.

Why, the two terms are so close in meaning as to be virtually synonymous! Their connection is so close, it is practically incestuous.

Frankly, any carnal engagement which cannot result in a painful, protracted and quite possibly fatal pregnancy seems to me charmingly trivial and essentially harmless. Although tiresome convention, (much of it the creation of the Tory and his loathsome ilk) requires that I express rote disapproval and perhaps contact

All novelty would be lost to have a person of my position commenting on fictional adventures staged in Victorian times. The frisson created by my observations relates primarily to their incongruity in relation to the attitudes prevalent in your period. And as my dear mother observed before the pleurisy took her

"If you set out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor."
-Ludwig Boltzmann

Oh, is the weather very fine in your era? Do describe it for me- I fear the rains will never stop, except to allow for the thick fogs that swallow the estate entire. Just yesterday as I descended the stairs to break my fast I thought to see impertinent wisps of the clammy vapour invading the grand hall, moving with

Stewed mutton with capers, although most went (in secret) down the gullet of my least-favourite wolfhound. I am observing the rate at which the wretched beast's fur falls out to determine whether or not my cook is slowly poisoning me. Oh, and a small ribbon jelly pudding for desert. Quite delectable.

I fear that our erstwhile hero is stricken with a brain fever, or perhaps a nervous complaint related to the feeble temperament shared by most, if not all, of the scions of Grantham. Do not presume, I pray, that I intend insult! Useful folk, the Grahams and Graemes, but nervous, feckless, given to flights, lacking


Although your crudity (and curious obsession with sinful congress between attractive men) now demands that I lapse into unconsciousness, do not take this as an emphatic condemnation of your erotic ruminations. Boys will be boys, I suppose, at least when at sea, in boarding school or on the AV Club commentary board.

Why, it was no great affair. I have had waking nightmares exactly as disturbing… although, I must confess, none which were more disturbing. In fact, I now perceive that I am, in fact, having a waking nightmare at this very moment.
Oh, biscuit crumbs.

It was simply a gambit to lure the terrible beast out into the open, that it might be soundly defeated by the deployment of fragile aeroplanes, inaccurate rockets and ineffectual lasers. And should those fail, (as they so often do, it must be allowed) the gentlemen in the picture above are clearly Megalon, Rodan and

"He must have programmed himself to grow to enormous size!"

Jolly good!

Astonishing to consider this is a decision composed, organized and undertaken by fully-grown adults who hold positions of authority in the governance of a significant national power, and are apparently so confident in their judgement that they then see fit to issue a public proclamation. Still, I suppose it is

If the fellow (and note here that I do not choose to write 'gentleman') is not depicted as a slightly menacing Englishman with an inexplicable Scottish accent, then surely the original intention of the writer is lost.

I had quite a vivid vision during my last fainting spell wherein Benedict Cumberbatch was cast as the new James Bond. The horror was made all the more vivid when I roused myself as I considered how chillingly plausible was this scenario. (Shudders)

Oh for goodness sake. Let us cast Emilia Clarke in the role and have done with it.